Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 11 – The Wizard of Dubious Distinction

    When one finds oneself with an inordinate amount of time on one’s hands where absolutely nothing constructive can possibly be taking place, one must be prepared to pass the hours with a sketchbook. I found myself in such a predicament just last week at something that can cause a shudder in even the bravest of…

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  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 10 – It’s a Noisy Day In the Neighborhood

    Neighbors. We all have them: big neighbors, little neighbors, happy neighbors, gardening neighbors, elderly neighbors – even crazy cat lady neighbors. The one type of neighbor that many people could say was perhaps the most annoying, the most insanity inducing, the most unbelievably invasive, and the most downright selfish is the NOISY NEIGHBOR! Noisy neighbors…

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  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 9 – Napkin At 20,000 Feet

    There you are sitting in a long, hollow metal tube hurtling through the air at speeds usually reserved for Superman when you look out the window and the maddening realization hits you that you need to draw a monster right then without having any drawing supplies handy! You plead to the passenger sipping their coffee…

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  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 8 – Undead Head

    It seems as though there is a lot of zombie love out there these days. The idea of the dead awakening and roaming the earth looking for brains to eat is just nasty. What if you are a vegetarian and end up becoming a zombie? What in the world can you actually eat? When I…

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  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 7 – Web Footed Wonder

    Most monsters really aren’t scary – just misunderstood. Granted, you don’t see a furry web-footed critter like this every day (unless you hang out in the places where I hang out), but it doesn’t mean he is a ferocious killing machine. Maybe he’s just looking for a friend to hang out with. Then again, I…

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  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 6 – We All Scream

    When I spent some time on the beach this summer, as usual, a sketchbook accompanied me. However, this time it wasn’t just beach walkers that made it into the sketchbook’s pages. Some monsters joined the fun, too. With a red colored pencil in hand, this hard shell fella enjoyed some soft ice cream.    …

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  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 5 – The Green Thumb

    There is something magical about putting a seed in the ground, watering it now and then, and seeing it grow into something big and green. Well, maybe not quite as big and green as our mulchy muchacho here, who seems to be thrilled with potting his own tail. Actually, if this critter grew up in…

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  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 4 – Meeting Minutes

    C’mon, admit it. When you are in a meeting, your mind wanders to someplace other than where your posterior is physically located. Maybe you are thinking about what you will have for lunch. Maybe you are doing mental gymnastics about all the places you have to take your kids after work. Maybe you are thinking…

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