Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • A Bird In the Hand…

    …is worth a bird in the belly! Of course I’m kidding. I’m sure this bear and bird are the best of pals. I recently did a little drawing of a bear for a friend, and was pleased with the result. Thought I’d do one for myself this past weekend. For those of you curious about…

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  • …From the Flat File: 2003 – Aquarium

    Ten years ago my good friend and composer Nicholas Lawrence asked me to design a CD for him that was to feature his original compositions inspired by his love for sea life. Titled Aquarium, the concept lent itself to fun graphic possibilities, so I accepted! I first met Nick when he was just a student…

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  • Parasite Illustration for Answers Magazine ………. (part 3)

    So, today is the unveiling of my latest illustration for the article Parasites – Unwelcome Guests featured in the latest issue of Answers Magazine (Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan-Mar 2013). If you have followed the past two posts about the process this week, you are ready to see some final artwork! After the final drawing (shared…

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  • Parasite Illustration for Answers Magazine ………. (part 2)

    Yesterday I shared with you three concept sketches for an illustration about parasites for the 2013 Jan-Mar issue of Answers Magazine, the quarterly publication of Answers In Genesis. If you guessed that the sketch of the sports fanatic was chosen you would have been correct. Murphy’s Law dictated that the red sketch had to be chosen…

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  • Parasite Illustration for Answers Magazine ………. (part 1)

    Back in early winter, Answers Magazine contacted me to create a custom illustration for them. They are a science magazine written from a biblical point of view. You may recall that about two years ago I did a five-page spread for them about white blood cells (CLICK HERE to see post). This time the assignment…

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  • Airport Art 2

    Here’s part two of some of my real life sketches drawn in the airports where I spent some quality time over the holidays. These specimens were captured in Baltimore and Atlanta one week ago where I spent a combined twelve hours sitting around. I people watched, sent some e-mails, played on Facebook, watched a movie…

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  • Airport Art 1

    Welcome to the New Year! What occupied YOUR time on New Year’s Eve? Was it spent traversing this expansive nation of ours over twenty-two of those last twenty-four hours of 2012? No? Mine was. Yes, twenty-two hours. I left my parents’ home on the east coast of the United States to travel an hour and a…

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  • Merry Christmas 2012

    Christmas is upon us once again. Many thoughts and prayers have been with the families of Newtown, Connecticut following their unspeakable sorrow this season. When news of that tragedy crackled over the airwaves, I was putting the finishing touches on the painting for my annual Christmas card – a card with the theme of coming…

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