Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Tuesdays with “TIM”

    First, let me extend a hearty THANK YOU to those of you who may have given TIM a financial pledge in the past few days on Kickstarter! Over the weekend, we jumped up over $5000 in pledges! Today I wanted to share some thoughts with you about the art that has been the face of…

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  • Chuck Norris Septuagenarian

    The age-defying Chuck Norris turns 71 today. Come to think of it, Chuck Norris pretty much defies everything. It’s not that Chuck Norris has had that many birthdays – that’s how many times the earth has revolved around Chuck Norris. When Chuck Norris was born, it was the doctor who got slapped – after all, Chuck…

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  • Tues…er…Thursday with “TIM”

    I know, I know – today is Thursday. It’s not actually Tuesday, the day on which I isolate my comments about my short film TIM here on the blog. There was just too much to share on one day this week, so I thought I’d spread it out onto Thursday as well. We only have…

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  • Tuesdays with “TIM”

    It’s Tuesday, so that must mean it’s time to share some more behind-the-scenes tidbits with you about my short animated film TIM. My producing partner, Brian Joseph Ochab, and I were recently discussing the need to have a logo that would appropriately communicate the vibe we are trying to elicit with TIM. It needs to…

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  • Always Room for Cello

    I recently made a card for someone I know who plays the cello professionally. Thought it would be fun to put little Mickey Mouse behind a giant cello. After it was done, I realized that it could be mistaken for a bass. So, it really is a cello. Just a small mouse.

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  • Tuesdays with “TIM”

    Welcome to another fine addition to my Tuesdays with TIM posts showing you some of the artwork created in the development of this exciting short film project I’ve been working on with my producing partner Brian Joseph Ochab! When trying to develop the visual style of TIM in early 2010, we didn’t wish to stray…

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  • Post-It Parade

    When you are in a meeting at the office, you can always look around and see that people have paper and pen in hand scribbling as other people are talking. One would assume that they are taking notes, and often that is the case. When you work in an animation studio, however, the scribbles are…

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  • Tuesdays with “TIM”

    Well, today over on the TIM the Movie Facebook page, we have just unveiled a contest to win the original art seen here! This drawing was inspired by something in our script that I was working on this past week with my pal and Director Brian Joseph Ochab. I created the 8.5×11″ drawing over the…

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