Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Bob Kurtz

    Whew! Things have been REALLY busy for me lately, so much so that it has been a few weeks since my last post here on the blog. My day job has me working as a character designer on a movie about Zhu Zhu Pets toys, and a lot of evenings and weekend time lately have…

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  • Drawn & Quoted: The Old Gray Mare

    “A horse is a thing of such beauty.  None will tire of looking at him as long as he displays himself in his splendor.” – Xenophon (circa 430 – 354 BC)    

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  • Class Notes

    I’ve never been one to take very comprehensive notes in school. Always having an interest in art, many doodles littered the notes of any academic class I happened to be in. I usually was paying attention to the teacher, but somehow the margins were always full of stuff another part of my brain generated. I…

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  • Tuesdays with “TIM”

    Yes, I know. It’s Monday. Our fundraising effort for TIM ends in the wee early hours (12:42am to be exact) of Tuesday morning for some of you, so I thought I’d post this week’s Tuesdays with TIM column today to give you one final look at some of my art created in the development of…

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  • Drawn & Quoted: The Interrogation

    “If evil be said of thee, and if it be true, correct thyself; if it be a lie, laugh at it.” – Epictetus (55 – 135)     It is hard to believe, but the last Drawn & Quoted column was posted way back in June of 2010! It is high time to resurrect these…

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  • Tuesdays with “TIM” BONUS!

    Yeah, yeah, it’s Wednesday. Consider this a bonus issue of Tuesdays with TIM! The Tuesday thing still applies because the video I’m about to show you was filmed yesterday which was (drumroll please)….TUESDAY! Well, since Brian and I are in our final week of fundraising on Kickstarter, we wanted to make you an offer that…

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  • Tuesdays with “TIM”

    We have now entered the LAST week of fundraising for TIM through Kickstarter. The only way we can make this cool stop-motion animated Tim Burton tribute starring Christopher Lee is if our friends, fans, and the occasional passersby offer to pledge their financial support by going to Each Tuesday during the past two months…

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  • Sketchy Characters

    Today’s post is a page straight out of my sketchbook. While they are pretty much just random faces that popped out of my pencil, a few of them explored a certain head shape. You can see that about five of those heads have a plump pear shape to them. Just alter the eyes, nose and…

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