Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Tim Curry Art Show part II

    Last week I mentioned the Tim Curry Tribute art show that the Creature Features gallery in Burbank, California, was hosting. I even teased a small portion of my painting that is in the show. Well, the show opened this past Saturday and was a SMASH! Before I continue about the details of the show, let’s…

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  • Tim Curry Art Show part I

    I am pleased to announce that I am participating in a group art show at the Creature Features gallery in Burbank, California, that opens this coming Saturday, February 24. It is not often I have the time to participate in such shows, so I was grateful that there was an opening in my schedule in…

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  • A Daughter’s Love

    What better way to stay warm in the winter than by hugging your big daddy? Of course, here in Los Angeles we might have trouble relating to the frigid winters of Russia, but cold weather is not the only purpose for warm hugs.  

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  • Flying Arrows

    Word has it that today is Valentine’s Day. Be careful out there of flying arrows. I have an aversion to being impaled, which might explain why Cupid hasn’t hit me and a woman at the same time. Either that, or Cupid’s aim is off.    

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  • Pygmy Pachyderms

    The other day I needed a little repair to my car, so I took a sketchbook with me to the waiting room. Who knows why such a scene came to mind in that moment, but it did. These pygmy pachyderms came out of my pencil at the shop, and then finished with a little ink…

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  • Drawn & Quoted: Punxsutawney Phil

    “Okay campers, rise and shine, and don’t forget your booties because it’s COLD out there today! It’s cold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach?!” “That’s right woodchuck chuckers, it’s GROUNDHOG DAY!!!” – Radio announcers in the movie Groundhog Day (1993)  

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  • Honey Bear

    Last night I was watching President Trump’s first State of the Union speech. If you think I’m going to start making political statements, then you have another think coming! Nah, I just watched it for the sake of wondering what was going to be said, and it gave me the opportunity to sketch this here…

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  • Sailing Away

    After my previous post of a sailor cat, I thought maybe you’d enjoy a little throwback post of another sailing themed piece of art I did once upon a time. This is a pencil drawing I did of San Francisco Bay when I was in the 11th grade for a statewide school competition in New…

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