Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Dancing Bear

    Just a little something from my sketchbook today. And no, it is not a self-portrait.  

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  • May the Fourth

    Today is Star Wars day. May the Fourth be with you.  

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  • May Pooh

    Welcome to the month of May! Hopefully spring is happening all over the country by now after a prolonged winter in many places. With spring comes a renewal of life. Grass grows, flowers start blooming, and babies are born. Well, maybe that last one isn’t true for all. But it is true for a friend…

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  • Happy Arbor Day

    Today in the United States we have a little known and even lesser celebrated holiday called Arbor Day. It usually is superseded by the more popular Earth Day that came earlier in the week this year. Arbor Day is all about trees, and folks are encouraged to plant a tree to mark the occasion. There…

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  • Walt Disney Elementary

    I had a super fun time this past weekend drawing for the kids at a fundraiser at Walt Disney Elementary School in Burbank, CA. I know, it sounds like the Disney company is running a school now, but no, it is a public school just named after Walt Disney the man, just as schools are…

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  • Captain Trafficliscious

    Back in December of 2017, I shared with you a new and improved version of Captain Traffic, a character I created about 16 years ago for There were even more poses I did of the courageous Captain, and now that Comedy Traffic School is using a few of them on their website, it was…

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  • Drawn & Quoted: Successful Failure

    “Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.“ – Coco Chanel (1883-1971)     Sometimes when I do these Drawn & Quoted pieces, I find a quote and do a drawing based on it. This time the drawing came first (ink in my sketchbook), then the search for a matching…

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  • Fire-Breathing Sketches

    I finished up a sketchbook the other day with a page full of dragons. Sure hope they are housebroken.  

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