Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Mama’s Day

    A little ol’ dapper bear with some flowers for mama today – Mother’s Day! Be careful, though. Don’t accidentally get between mama and her grown cub with those flowers. If so, WATCH OUT! You might get an unexpected bear hug!  

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  • Birthday Game

    Here’s a fun little sketch I did inside the birthday card of a friend who loves to go deer hunting. I guess not everyone was happy about that birthday so it seems.  

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  • Lion and the Lamb

    Isaiah 11:6 says “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them.” So, since the Bible doesn’t actually say that one day the lion and the lamb will lie down together in…

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  • Slaw Dog Millionaire

    A few years back, I was having lunch in the San Fernando Valley at a place called Slaw Dogs with my buddy Tom Cain. While eating, a woman walked past us on the sidewalk LOADED with perfume, and her own sense of bedazzled/leopard print style. When I got back to my desk, I quickly roughed…

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  • Peaceful Protest

    Well, mostly peaceful I suppose. Squirrels can offer up a lot of jibber-jabber chatter when their trees are in peril.     Guess it is to be expected for squirrels to be like this on a day like today – Earth Day. 🙂  

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  • The Singing Cowboy

    Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboy singers.     This was a traditionally inked sketch in my sketchbook that was then taken into Photoshop to be colored. The hardest part was writing the song that he’s singing.

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  • Smile & Wave

    How’s everyone’s spring going? Everyone vaccinated and breathing some fresh air? Everyone free of ticks? And how about that tax day moving to May? Let’s all wave goodbye to what would have been tax day today!  

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  • Pencil Pusher

    Every now and then, it’s good to get out the ol’ sketchbook and just see what might flow forth from one’s hand.  

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