Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Mini Frankenstein

        The other day as I sat at my desk, I had the inspiration to doodle another Frankenstein head. True, I explored a few approaches to this character which I chronicled in detail here on this blog, but the possibilities are endless, and my fascination continues. Frankie just couldn’t be contained. So I grabbed…

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  • Drawn & Quoted: Jurassic Doodle

    “A friend is very different from an acquaintance. The former is tried and true; the latter only a casual shadow in one’s life.” – Anonymous     Sometimes when I open the pages of my sketchbook, I start the pencil down on one part of the page not sure of what is about to come…

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  • Drawing the Friendly Skies

    As every artist should, I often have a sketchbook handy for those idle moments that pop up now and then quite unpredictably. It is tough to pinpoint when inspiration will strike, or when one might have a surge of boredom. Nothing quite fills these voids better than having a sketchbook to launch yourself into another time…

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  • The 2009 NCS Reuben Awards – Part 4

    Welcome to the conclusion of my photo albums showcasing the goings on at the 2009 National Cartoonists Society’s Reuben Awards weekend that took place over Memorial Day weekend in Hollywood, California. The previous post ended with the actual Reuben banquet night. Today you will see more of what happened on Sunday, May 24 at the…

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  • The 2009 NCS Reuben Awards – Part 3

    Welcome to part three of my posts on this year’s National Cartoonists Society’s Reuben Awards weekend. Today’s post will focus on the actual Reuben Awards themselves! They took place in the Grand Ballroom of the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood, California on the evening of May 23. For those of you not familiar with the Reuben…

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  • The 2009 NCS Reuben Awards – Part 2

    At the end of Part 1 of my Reuben Report, I promised you more photographs from the National Cartoonists Society’s 2009 Reuben Awards that took place this year during May 22-24 at the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood, CA. For those of you who have anxiously been waiting, the payoff is sweet. While my first post was…

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  • Rocket Ship Caption Contest Winner!

    Well, two weeks ago I announced a contest that was being held over on the Chad Frye • Illustration Guy Facebook Fan Page. The idea was simply to suggest a good caption for the cartoon drawing I posted. Well, after 95 caption suggestions, I narrowed it down to the five best and then let the fans…

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  • Indiana in Ohio – Part 2

    In my last post, I shared with you the preliminary stages of a new illustration I did for the University of Dayton Magazine this past weekend. Getting to do an Indiana Jones type of character was a lot of fun. I enjoy coming up with humorous ideas for things, and in this case it was…

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