At the end of Part 1 of my Reuben Report, I promised you more photographs from the National Cartoonists Society’s 2009 Reuben Awards that took place this year during May 22-24 at the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood, CA. For those of you who have anxiously been waiting, the payoff is sweet.
The Hollywood and Highland complex as seen through the lens (and computer) of Rick Detorie.
While my first post was of my photos, in the weeks that have passed, many friends and colleagues have passed along their photos to me. I’ve picked some of the best at my disposal to share with you. Since I’ll be putting these in chronological order from the weekend’s activities, I’ll acknowledge my contributors right now! Many thanks to the following who have graciously allowed me to post their great shots: Sergio Aragonès, Sean Kelly, Chari Pere, Bill Morrison, Wendy Peng, Rob Smith, Jr., Cedric Hohnstadt, Tom Stemmle, and Rick Detorie.
The fun begins at check-in where you start to bump into friends and colleagues from all over the world. Here is Chad Frye and New Jersey cartoonist Tom Stemmle.Friday afternoon the seminars started. Peering over the shoulder of Brad Anderson (“Marmaduke”), the first speaker of the day was Steve Moore, cartoonist of the “In the Bleachers” strip. He chatted primarily about selling ideas in Hollywood. Sony Pictures animated “Open Season” from a couple years ago was his project.Rob Smith, Jr. from Florida with illustrator Drew Struzan. Drew was the third speaker on Friday, following the great Disney animator and director Eric Goldberg.Former NCS President Steve McGarry (on the left) asking Drew Struzan to sign his “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” movie poster.A number of fellas came up to chat with Drew after his talk. Here is Grey Blackwell, Nick Meglin (former editor of MAD), and Ed Black chatting with Drew.There were many parties around the rooftop pool at the hotel such as this one during the dinner reception at the conclusion of Day 1. While you can’t see it in this shot, the famous Hollywood sign is on the side of the mountain in the background. That’s Dan Piraro (“Bizarro”) in the foreground.Here’s a nice shot by Sergio Aragonès of “Mutts” cartoonist and “Up” visual development artist Patrick McDonnell with Disney guy Chad Frye.
Saturday morning came too soon as the Reuben attendees gathered around the pool for breakfast.Well, perhaps this shot showcases the breakfast a bit better.Stephan Pastis (“Pearls Before Swine”) was among the attendees.Pulitzer winning editorial cartoonist Mike Luckovich (Newsweek) with his youngest daughter, Lucy, who both hosted the awards ceremony later that night.Photographer Greg Preston who is currently working on the sequel to his fabulous coffee table book “The Artist Within”.Mike Peters of “Mother Goose and Grimm” fame who is probably sketching a Grimm for a colleague.Glenn McCoy and his wife. Glenn works on “The Duplex” strip, “The Flying McCoys” with his brother Gary, and has his hands in greeting cards, books, and editorial cartooning.“Lìo” and “Heart of the City” cartoonist Mark Tatulli.Greeting card queen Barbara Dale with Dr. Susan Schulz. You never know who you’ll see at a Reubens – that face you see between the ladies is jazz musician Grant Geissman.Tom Gammill, television writer/producer for SNL, Letterman, Seinfeld and currently The Simpsons, interviews Jeannie Schulz (and a number of other NCS convention attendees) for a very funny video promoting his comic strip “The Doozies”. Jeannie (wife of the late Charles Schulz) later helped him out of the hotel swimming pool after he “fell” in, fully-clothed.Another shot of the Reuben Saturday morning breakfast.“The New Yorker’s” Mort Gerberg with “Momma’s” Mell Lazarus. Off to the right in the background is “Mulan” co-director Tony Bancroft.Joe Wos, curator of the Toonseum in Pittsburgh, Tom Stemmle, and Chad Frye.
On Saturday during the seminars, several posters and a large banner were set out for us to draw on that were to be given to various groups of the U.S. military. Over the past year, NCS member Jeff Bacon has been spearheading the efforts for NCS members to join with the U.S.O. in visiting injured troops here and abroad. He has led several trips of cartoonists that have been so very well received and appreciated by our soldiers. So, some of these are related to that project, and others to another troop project headed up by editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez. The following are some shots of those banners.
Bruce Higdon adding his contribution to the banners for the servicemen.This close-up shows cartoons by Bill Gallo and Patrick McDonnell.In this shot you can see doodles by Bill Hinds (“Tank McNamara”), Stephan Pastis (“Pearls Before Swine”), Andy Eng (Betty Boop), Cathy Guisewite (Cathy), Peter Gallagher (“Heathcliff”), an alligator from Rob Smith, Jr. and even a little something by Bobby London.More drawings by Michael Ramirez, Tim Burgard, and Stephen Silver (Kim Possible).More by Stan Goldberg, Dave Coverly, Michael Fry, Mike Peters, Jeff Bacon, Dave Blazek, Sam Viviano, etc.Art by Sean Kelly, Tom Richmond, and a little Don Wimmer off to the right.Hilary Price (“Rhymes With Orange”) adding to the large banner right next to a Mickey Mouse by Chad Frye.Ok. You figure out who drew what in this one.Are you beginning to see how much the cartoonists appreciate our troops?In between seminars there was time for talking shop with colleagues. Rob Smith snagged this shot of Chad Frye showing a couple of his paintings (that Rob asked him to bring) to Andy Eng and John Norton.
Well, this has been an awful lot of pictures today. There’s more where that came from. I shall post more shots tomorrow from the actual Reuben Award banquet, and on Wednesday, I’ll have my final post about the 2009 Reubens with more shots from Cathy Guisewite’s Sunday afternoon party followed by a few parting shots of cartoonists doing karaoke. I’ll close out today’s post with a few photos of Hollywood as seen from the Presidential Suite at the Renaissance Hotel.
This is looking down at the Renaissance Hotel’s pool and the Hollywood & Highland complex.The Hollywood hills with a Japanese restaurant in the top right corner, and down to the left is the famous Magic Castle.The world famous Grauman’s Chinese Theater actually shot from the level of the ballroom where the Reuben Awards banquet took place. More to come from Hollywood tomorrow!