2010 Monster Month: Day 17 – The Gatorpine

Yesterday you were able to see a sample of a whole page from my sketchbook on which I was brainstorming monster heads with the promise that today I’d show you one of those heads fleshed out, so to speak. That spikey headed fella in the lower left corner was the one that captured my imagination.

So, Mr, Spikey Head – who are you? What is your profession? You obviously look like you are a bit of a tough guy, and yet you look like you enjoy your work. You also look like you have an imposing presence, yet can enjoy some ribbing from the guys (although I personally sure wouldn’t want to be the one to snap a towel on him in the locker room). You probably have enjoyed more than your share of fresh gorluck stew or whatever exotic name you call your favorite meal. Maybe you are more military in nature – an infantry soldier or something. See, all these types of questions come to mind and just from that little head drawing.

Visually, that head reminded me of both an alligator and a porcupine. So, considering the other character building questions, the military minded Gatorpine is born….

Monster Soldier
Don’t worry kids – that’s really just a big squirt gun. Although, he fills it with acid, so I’d duck if he points it at you.

Let’s just hope he really doesn’t reside in the Everglades.

2010 Monster Month: Day 16 – The Red Scare

I tend to draw in my sketchbook often. It’s a place where I can go to get all the bad drawings out of my hand, and hopefully get some decent visual ideas on the page, too. Often I’ll look at that blank whiteness that mocks me without a specific thought as to what I’ll be drawing. Even as I put the pencil to the paper, I’ll begin a nose and let the face organically materialize around it making the design decisions along the way. This unstructured method really allows for random experimentation.

For those of you who regularly follow my blog, you know that from time to time I share a drawing here and there from the sketchbook. I try to select a decent sketch to show while shielding you from lesser ones that may share space with it on the actual paper. Once in a great while, a whole page in the sketchbook just clicks and is worthy to be unveiled. This is one such page…

All I knew at the start was that I wanted to draw some monsters. While they aren’t masterpieces, they each have a little something interesting about them, don’t you think? If you like to draw, PLEASE buy yourself a sketchbook and fill it with the random musings of your mind!

Well, to continue the creative process, tomorrow I will have a more fully developed full-bodied drawing of one of these fellas that just started here as a random red monster head. Come back to see which one I picked!

2010 Monster Month: Day 15 – Ladies’ Night

Ladies, it’s Friday night, the work week is done. Time to let off a little steam and have fun with your girlfriends, right? You get together and talk about whose boss is meaner, who ate who, how many kids you scared that week, how Larry in accounting sneezed and lit the files on fire – you know, all the usual stuff a monster would experience in the average week.

The original “sophisticated mama”.

2010 Monster Month: Day 14 – Stranger In the Night

Imagine walking home from the park late one night only to be met in the dark by this huge hulking beast in a red cape. You are either going to think “Wow, that guy is really cool looking” or you may shriek in terror. Then again, maybe you’re the type who might offer him your orthodontist’s phone number.

The Red Scare
You’d look glum, too, if you had that big of an overbite.

Believe it or not, this was actually just a sketch in my sketchbook. If you look closely, you can still see my sketchy blue lines in there. I didn’t even try to remove them. I liked how the blue sketch looked so much that I inked it right there in the sketchbook, and eventually decided to scan it in and Photoshop some life into it.

Well, enjoy today’s monster drawing, and may your evening walks in the park remain relatively monster free.

2010 Monster Month: Day 13 – The Blue Bloods

Ever have one of those days when Murphy and his infernal law seem to plague you? You walk by a puddle and a car splashes you. You jump onto an elevator and just as the doors close the kid next to you pushes all the buttons.  Or you take a bite of a tasty garlic dish just as the woman of your dreams walks into the room.

Yes, we all have those encounters with Murphy’s Law. Monsters are no exception….

The Blue Bloods

2010 Monster Month: Day 12 – Squiggly Legs, Esq.

Something about this guy just amused me when he made his presence known in the pages of my sketchbook. If he were animated, he would just be a swirl of motion with all those worm-like legs and seemingly boneless arms. He gets to combine the captivating nature of a snake with the jaws of a ferocious bear. Maybe he’s a lawyer.

With all those legs, it’s a good thing he doesn’t need to buy shoes!

2010 Monster Month: Day 11 – First Flight

A year or two ago I had some doves take up residence on my back patio. I had a clear view of the nest with their eggs, and was excited to eventually see the little bald babies freshly experiencing life. Watching the parent caring for them was a bit of a thrill while over the weeks they were growing and strengthening. I was hoping I’d be around to see them leave the nest, but it was not to be.

I imagine as they each stepped up to the edge, they donned their crash helmets and knee pads as any sensible little winged monster would when they are about to attempt their first flight. And just in case they can’t summon up the courage to take that initial leap, momma is there ready to give them the boot.

Baby's First Steps
A little encouragement can go a long way – and hopefully not the long way down.

So, please enjoy this momentous occasion in the life of every young winged beastie as portrayed with genuine ink and colored with Photoshop. Should you care to see it slightly larger, just click on the image!

2010 Monster Month: Day 10 – Spike

Just a few days ago I was winging my way from Toronto back to my home in Los Angeles. I was returning from a good friend’s wedding (congratulations Steve and Ruth!) when on a completely unrelated train of thought, I started doodling this dragon in my sketchbook.

Dragon Drawing
Of course he looks ornery. You would be too if you never knew the joy of playing with a balloon!

While the wedding didn’t inspire this red pencil and ink sketch (really – no bridezillas there), my time spent that very morning at the Royal Ontario Museum‘s dinosaur bone exhibit DID get my mind working. I was quite fascinated by the supposed bones they had on display.

I say “supposed” because they never do reveal how much of those skeletons are created by a sculptor rather than a casting of actual bones. So, my imagination may very well have been inspired by the imagination of a master sculptor. Somehow my imagination seems to have included opposable thumbs.