2010 Monster Month: Day 16 – The Red Scare

I tend to draw in my sketchbook often. It’s a place where I can go to get all the bad drawings out of my hand, and hopefully get some decent visual ideas on the page, too. Often I’ll look at that blank whiteness that mocks me without a specific thought as to what I’ll be drawing. Even as I put the pencil to the paper, I’ll begin a nose and let the face organically materialize around it making the design decisions along the way. This unstructured method really allows for random experimentation.

For those of you who regularly follow my blog, you know that from time to time I share a drawing here and there from the sketchbook. I try to select a decent sketch to show while shielding you from lesser ones that may share space with it on the actual paper. Once in a great while, a whole page in the sketchbook just clicks and is worthy to be unveiled. This is one such page…

All I knew at the start was that I wanted to draw some monsters. While they aren’t masterpieces, they each have a little something interesting about them, don’t you think? If you like to draw, PLEASE buy yourself a sketchbook and fill it with the random musings of your mind!

Well, to continue the creative process, tomorrow I will have a more fully developed full-bodied drawing of one of these fellas that just started here as a random red monster head. Come back to see which one I picked!