Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • My Pal Rusty Mills

    The cartooning business is an interesting profession. “Cartooning“ is a broad term that covers comic books, comic strips, editorial cartoons, gag cartoons, humorous illustration, and animation. Many cartoonists work their magic in a solitary fashion from home studios, and don’t often find their way out into the daylight. When they do squint their way out…

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  • Tweety Bird

    Now and then I’ll do a little something for the fun of it for family. My late Uncle Ken was a big fan of Tweety from Looney Tunes. He was so much of a fan, that he even had a Tweety tattooed on his ankle. I can’t actually remember what the occasion was for creating…

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  • …From the Flat File: 2005 – Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving!   I thought I would reach into my archives this week and pull out a Thanksgiving themed illustration I did a few years ago based on a favorite television family of mine – the Barones. I was a big fan of the Everybody Loves Raymond show on CBS, and often went to the…

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  • Frankensketch

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN!         Well, I managed to squeeze out one more monster drawing here in what I usually dub “Monster Month”, and I leaned on my go-to guy Frankenstein. This one started as just a Prismacolor pencil sketch in my sketchbook, and I liked how he turned out so I added some…

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  • Political Zombies

    Who is ready for tonight’s final presidential debate? I’ve listened to all the debates thus far and came away with one major observation – both sides have spent much of that airtime attempting to tear down each other without saying much of anything solid about what they can do in the next four years. It…

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  • Beast of Burden

    For the past three Octobers, I posted a new monster drawing almost daily in what I called “Monster Month”. Here we are in the middle of October, and only one person has asked me where my creatures that go bump in the night are this year. One person. Well, Mom, it has been an extremely busy…

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  • The Asphalt Jungle

    Last year I did a few character concepts for a potential television program set in New York City. I can’t divulge anything more than that about the project, but I can show you some of the drawings since the producers decided to go in a different direction. I liked the way these sketches turned out.…

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  • The Immigrant

    A couple of months ago I discovered a page on Facebook called Humans of New York (also known as HONY). The page features multiple portraits of New Yorkers as seen through the keen eye of photographer Brandon Stanton. With over 300,000 followers, I was a little late to the party. Brandon does what I like…

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