Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Step-By-Step: Yogi Bear’s Pic-A-Nic – Step 3

    Welcome to step 3 of building my traditional watercolor painting of Yogi Bear & Co., The Pic-A-Nic on the Grass. Previous stages in the process that we covered were the drawing/research stage, then the underpainting stage. Today we begin to add color. If the under painting is the foundation, then today’s application of color is…

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  • Step-By-Step: Yogi Bear’s Pic-A-Nic – Step 2

    Welcome to the second step in our discussion of creating my Yogi Bear parody of Èdouard Manet’s The Luncheon on the Grass painting. Yesterday we covered drawing the composition and prepping the art for painting. Grab your smock because today it’s about to get a little bit messy. I like Winsor & Newton watercolor paints.…

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  • Step-By-Step: Yogi Bear’s Pic-A-Nic – Step 1

    Recently I created a traditional watercolor painting of Yogi Bear, his buddy Boo-Boo, his girl Cindy Bear, and the Ranger for inclusion in a Hanna-Barbera themed art show at Van Eaton Galleries in Sherman Oaks, CA. (Photos from the opening night reception are in yesterday’s post.) Van Eaton invited over 100 artists to participate in…

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  • The Hanna-Barbera Art Show

    This past Saturday night, April 6, Van Eaton Galleries in Sherman Oaks, California hosted a group art show where over 100 artists created a piece of art within the theme of cartoons from the Hanna-Barbera Studio. This was the first group show of which I have ever been a part, and WHAT A SHOW! The…

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  • Lounge Lizard

    It has been awhile since my last post. Things have been swamped at the office with the imminent debut of an animated television show I have been working on for the past fourteen months, and the schedule has not lightened up one bit. Spending all day every day drawing in someone else’s style can wear…

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  • Happy Presidents’ Day – 2013

    Here in the United States we used to separately celebrate the February birthdays of our two favorite Presidents, George Washington (February 22)  and Abraham Lincoln (February 12). Somewhere along the way somebody got tired of paying people to frolic and play for two days, so they combined the two holidays into one (February 18) and…

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  • 40th Annual Annie Awards – 2013 (part 2)

    Earlier this week I shared with you some of my photos taken from the balcony during the 2013 Annie Awards held at Royce Hall on the campus of UCLA in Los Angeles. What made the evening a little more special is that it happened to be the 40th anniversary of the Annies. Never to miss…

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  • 40th Annual Annie Awards – 2013 (part 1)

    The 40th annual Annie Awards took place this past Saturday, February 2, in Royce Hall on the campus of UCLA. Even though we love ya’ Tomorrow, the Annies have nothing to do with little singing red-haired orphans. ASIFA-Hollywood formed the Annies to honor the best and the brightest in the field of animation. They were…

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