Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 3 – The Eyes Have It

    What is “it” exactly? When someone (or in this case someTHING) has IT, everyone is attracted to IT, everyone desires IT, everyone wants IT. IT is the thing you can’t quite define, but can’t quite turn away from. In this case, the IT this guy has is charisma. He also has a huge optometrist bill…

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  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 2 – Ball Point Terrors

    Do you ever just get on a roll with sketching in your sketchbook? I do. This is what can happen when you combine an idle mind with a sheet of white paper and a ball point pen.     Come back Monday to see what new nightmares await!

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  • 2013 Monster Month: Day 1 – Wolfchad

    What better way to get Monster Month kicked off than with a self-effacing interpretation of the Wolfman. This is a version of how I look before I’ve had my coffee in the morning.     For those of you paying attention to my signature, I originally drew this one back in 2010. It was a…

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  • The Return of MONSTER MONTH!

    It’s bAaaaack…. WELCOME TO THE RETURN OF For those of you who follow my blog, you know that I LOVE creating silly creatures that go bump in the night, especially during the month of October. Last year I was knee deep in working on a new television show to make it on air by the…

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  • Drawing Lines In the Sand

    When the heavy heat visits us every summer, I light out for the beach to visit with family. Since the age of ten, I look forward to the start of every trip while each trip’s ending brings regret. This year my sister and brother-in-law dared to bring their two little sons to experience Uncle Chad.…

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  • The Dog Walker

    Have you ever noticed how pet owners and their dogs can look alike? I don’t think that owners actually morph into the shape of their pet, but rather in a subconscious act of narcissism, they purchase the pet that looks good to them. They buy themselves a Mini-Me. I’m not the first to make this…

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  • Disney Legends Awards 2013

    Two weeks ago I had the privilege to attend the Walt Disney Company’s Legends award ceremony held in Anaheim, CA. First awarded in the late 1980s, the award is given to those folks, whether creative or otherwise, who have meant much to the success of the company over the years. The award was bestowed annually…

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  • The Barber Shop

    I dropped by the barber shop this past weekend with a sketchbook under my arm. Barber shops are always populated with a cross section of ages and personalities that make for an interesting time. The regulars carry on conversations and offer unsolicited opinions on just about any topic. The newer guys sit and listen participating…

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