Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Doris Roberts

    So sorry to have learned today of the passing of Doris Roberts over the weekend. I had, on several occasions, been able to chat with her just while out and about in town, and she was always patient and gracious. And to watch her work…what a privilege! I attended many tapings of Everybody Loves Raymond…

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  • Combover Lion

    Sometimes when I sketch, I just start with a nose and see where it goes from there with no preconceived notion of what I am about to draw. Other times the sketch is informed by a curiosity I may have. Such is the case with today’s doodle. I saw pictures of some male lions, and…

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  • The Monsters Have Left the Building

    …and I mean that literally! Yes folks, unless this is some kind of an elaborate April Fool’s joke being played on me, the monsters that have lived in the apartment above me for the past three years, four months, five days and 18 hours have finally up and vanished into the misty night air from whence…

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  • Bunny Trouble

    With images of bunnies being in all the stores these days, and half price now (Easter – what are you going to do?), I thought I’d share with you a bunny painting created in collaboration with a couple of young artists. A couple of years ago I visited my brother and his family at their home in…

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  • Carrying the Cross

    “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5     Today is what we call here in the States “Good Friday.” It is traditionally the day set aside to remember the death of the…

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  • Batman vs. Superman

    With all the ads out there lately for the next couple of big costumed caper movies, it seems like none of our imaginary heroes are playing nice with each other anymore. Marvel has their Civil War, and this week, DC has Batman v Superman. Can’t we all just get along? SPOILER ALERT! I am about to show you…

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  • The Betrayal of Christ

    Quite a few years ago I began drawing what turned out to be over 500 coloring book style pages of accounts from the Bible that became the Generations of Grace Sunday school curriculum. They crafted a three year curriculum for kids where not a single piece of art was used twice in that time, and…

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  • The Cookout

    I’m not sure why, but next to monsters, I sure do love drawing bears. In fact, one of my favorite Disney characters is Humphrey the Bear from several Donald Duck shorts back in the ’50s, and then he even had a few of his own shorts. Bears can be interpreted in many different ways in…

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