Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Bug Bites

    So, to elaborate a little on my last post, I thought I’d share just a tad bit more about my camping experience a few weeks ago in the Russian wilderness… Camping and I just don’t get along well. I prefer seeing nature through the protection of a window – protection from the insects. I am…

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  • John Silver

    A couple of weeks ago, I spent six days camping in the untamed nature of Russia. You read that right – in RUSSIA! I am not much one for going on a genuine camping trip. My last camping trip was when I was 14 years old, and it was the trip that convinced me to…

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  • Honey Bear

    Today’s sketch was a little something I created on the first page of a sketchbook I gave to a friend’s niece. She is a creative 10-year-old, so why not make a little gift of something to encourage her with her art! The sketchbook is your regular ol’ white-paged book and the drawing was inked in…

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  • Noah

    A few years ago, I was hired to create a portrait of Noah that was to be used as Noah’s profile picture on Facebook. Yes, you read that right. Noah was going to join Facebook. Answers in Genesis, the organization in Kentucky behind the Creation Museum in Petersburg, had announced back then that they were going to build…

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  • Viking Cat

    The other day in a weird burst of thought, it occurred to me that Vikings must have had cats for pets. They were a seafaring people, and with all that fish around, surely there had to be cats. Maybe the cats enjoyed plundering and pillaging little mouse villages, too – who knows? One thing is…

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  • Max & ServiceMan – page 9

    If you are just joining us, please know that this is the last page of a 10 page series being posted here on the ol’ blog. Please CLICK HERE to start back on the first page to see a full explanation of what this art is all about. Thanks!     Nuthin’ says “good job” like a high…

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  • Max & ServiceMan – page 8

    If you are just joining us, please know that this is one page of a 10 page series being posted here on the ol’ blog. Please CLICK HERE to start back on the first page to see a full explanation of what this art is all about. Thanks!     Those are some pretty happy customers. Now…

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  • Max & ServiceMan – page 7

    If you are just joining us, please know that this is one page of a 10 page series being posted here on the ol’ blog. Please CLICK HERE to start back on the first page to see a full explanation of what this art is all about. Thanks!     “Gimme that doohicky, STAT!” (No, I do…

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