If you are just joining us, please know that this is the last page of a 10 page series being posted here on the ol’ blog. Please CLICK HERE to start back on the first page to see a full explanation of what this art is all about. Thanks!

Nuthin’ says “good job” like a high five with your teammate! OH YEAH!
And that’s the end of Max Visits the Hospital! Hope you enjoyed it. Even with a couple of years to reflect on it, I’m pretty happy with the results of this two-week rush job! It was a fun challenge. I believe I finished it late one night, and the next morning I was on a plane off on a long-planned trip. Got it done by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!
Now for the final word on what this book was actually selling when it was handed out at that 2014 convention for which it was created!