Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • New & Improved!

    Lately the bulk of my time has been spent at The Third Floor company where I have been working as a storyboard artist on a film. It has been tough to set some time aside for other projects between the day gig and preparations for Christmas. However, I have been helping out an old friend…

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  • Wistfulness

    Adulting is really hard sometimes. There can be those crucial moments in life when you wish you could have a do-over – to go back a day, a week, a month, even eleven months, and redo things with the knowledge you have now. Sometimes you even long to go back to the simpler days of…

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  • 40 Years

    I came across this piece in my digital files this past weekend and thought I’d share it with you. It has a little bit of sweetness to it, and a lot of sentiment, because I created it for my parents nine years ago for their 40th wedding anniversary. It is hard to believe that next July will be…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 22 – Coming & Going

    Beware the fire “breathing” dragon that is dangerous both as he comes and as he goes, so to speak.     And thus concludes Monster Month for 2017. Twenty-two beasties from my drafting table to your eyes. I hope you enjoyed them once again. These are always fun for me to draw, and almost all…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 21 – Russian Rascal

    You’ve seen several Monster Month posts this year of sketches and drawings I did while nestled in the cold cockles of the heart of a Russian winter last January. I got to thinking that none of those monsters seemed particularly Russian in their design. So, I grabbed my trusty brush pen and white paint (with…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 20 – The Job Interview

    You know those job interviews where the interviewer can just tell by looking at the applicant that they wouldn’t be a good fit in their office environment? Yeah, this is THAT guy. It just seemed funny to me that this monster thinks he is being turned down for his tattoo, when really it is likely…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 19 – Coffee Monsters

    Today you don’t get just one, not two, but THREE monsters for the price of admission!! How about that, huh?! These are three monsters that I drew in just good ol’ ink for some folks who worked at LA Studios in Hollywood when I worked there on the movie Animal Crackers a couple of years…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 18 – Snot Monster Redux

    Again I am revisiting a monster from last year in this new version. Remember the Snot Monster from last year’s Monster Month? He just stood there with a schnoz ready to blow. After I did that drawing, I thought of an fun application to draw him again, though slightly more cartoony. I was writing a…

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