Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Passing Friendship

    Yesterday I attended the funeral of a dear friend. She was a lady with a big heart, and an enthusiasm leaps and bounds greater than anyone who happened to be in a room with her. As a testament to her infectious personality, the church was filled beyond capacity to standing room only – quite a…

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  • The Incredible Jurassic World

    Two of the summer’s hottest films are Pixar’s The Incredibles 2 and Universal’s Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Both serve up thrills, chills, laughs and excitement. They also both serve up amazing soundtracks written by the same composer – Michael Giacchino! Incredibles 2 has a boffo score that jumps and jives with the best energetically melodic groovy…

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  • Gator Waiter

    Not sure I’d be able to trust the intentions of a waiter with that many teeth and that eager to serve me.  

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  • Dino Dentist

    Perhaps it’s just me, but I thought the two T-Rexes in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom looked super fake. See for yourself…     In actuality, the dinosaur behind me made an appearance in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure many years ago. It is one of the Cabazon Dinosaurs out by Palm Springs which is part of…

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  • Happy Birthday America!!

    Yep. Today is the good ol’ Fourth of July. I put that in caps because around these parts, that’s not just a date – it’s also the secondary name we Americans call Independence Day. We pinpoint our official beginning as a new nation on July 4, 1776, since that is when our Declaration of Independence…

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  • Unexpected Encouragement

    Got out the ol’ sketchbook the other day and felt like getting a monster out of my brush pen – a monster who might have had a tough day at the office, and was cheered just a smidge by a bird who lit upon his nose. Happy Monday.    

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  • Al Hirschfeld’s 115th Birthday!

    June 21, 2018 marks the 115th birthday of one of America’s greatest artists, Al Hirschfeld.   With what seemed like just a few simple lines on white paper, Hirschfeld made it look easy to capture the best and the brightest in our society as he wielded his pen. He vacationed with Charlie Chaplin (a story…

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  • Mulan at 20

    June 19, 2018 is the 20th anniversary of Disney’s Mulan. I couldn’t believe the time has passed so quickly. Mulan was the first movie I ever worked on, and as a result, it holds a special place in my heart. I had landed a job at my dream company (Disney Feature Animation) a year before on…

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