Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Steamboat Mickey – 90!!!

    Well, the mouse turns a ripe old 90 today. All those years of doing his own stunts, pratfalls, and ghost hunting have taken their toll on the germaphobe (he ALWAYS wears gloves, but refuses to wear shirts – weird). All of that actually made him retire about 25 years ago. Most people don’t realize that…

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  • Old Mice

    A little birdie told me that tomorrow will be the 90th birthday of a certain little mouse. Aw, who am I kidding – the Walt Disney Company has been screaming loud and far that Mickey Mouse is old. What they aren’t saying is that Minnie Mouse is just as old, since she also appeared in…

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  • 2018 Monster Month: Deer Infestation

    Happy Halloween! Here is the final offering in this year’s limited Monster Month posts… Sometimes life can be tough for an ogre who has decided to buck (pun intended) the traditions of his kind to be a vegetarian. Living creatures no longer fear him, and thusly he is inundated with an infestation of deer. All…

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  • 2018 Monster Month: Scare School

    I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.  

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  • 2018 Monster Month: Dragon Doodles

    Every now and then when doodling in my sketchbook, a dragon is birthed. Then, of course, another, then another. Dragons always look better with some friends, don’t you agree?  

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  • 2018 Monster Month: Swine Soldier

    While one might not consider a pig to be a traditional monster, this one qualifies due to his indiscriminate use of that axe, and the fact that he smells pretty foul.     Inked traditionally in my sketchbook, and painted digitally in Photoshop.

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  • Big Bird

    This week, one of the bastions of my childhood chose to retire. Caroll Spinney, the Muppeteer behind Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch for much of the past 50 years on the show Sesame Street, filmed his final scene yesterday.     I have been fortunate to have chatted with Caroll a number of times…

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  • 2018 Monster Month: Bump In the Night

    The distant foreboding peel of the distant clock tower was morosely muffled by the early morning fog seeping between the dark alley ways and lonely streets of ye olde London masking the nocturnal movements of those that go bump in the night. Do you know where YOUR children are?  

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