Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Bit of a Stretch

    Why the long face?     This sketch came about in a strange way. I just decided to see if I could fit three faces on the height of one page in my sketchbook. Mystery solved. I did it.

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  • Beetle Bailey

    Today is my pop’s birthday, the man who most influenced me to be a cartoonist even though he may never have realized it. When I was a kid, my father loved comics. He’d come home from his job in the business world, and we’d get down on the floor and he would read the newspaper…

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  • Peggy Lee’s 100th

    Today is the 100th birthday of the late torch singer Peggy Lee. Not only was she the voice of Peg, the Siamese cats, and Darling in Disney’s original animated Lady & the Tramp, but she co-wrote all the songs! I had a short fling myself with Lady & the Tramp some years ago. I drew…

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  • Drawn & Quoted: Mad Scientist

    “Gee, Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” “The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!” – Pinky and The Brain (1993 – 1998)   It’s hard to take over the world when your evil lab is overrun with evil cats.      

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  • Illustration West 59

    I have been working on something over the past five months that I haven’t talked much about publicly, but today is the day to unveil it. The Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles (SILA) asked me to run their annual illustration competition this year, known as Illustration West. This is the 59th consecutive year of…

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  • Bear Country

    Well, at least it’s bear country on THIS page of my sketchbook. Grabbed a colored pencil, and once again explored one of the most fun animals to anthropomorphize.    

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  • Green Masks & Ham

    Some do find it undesirous To wear masks for Coronavirus, While other breathers it may seem, Really like them when they’re green.  

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  • Whiskers or Wigs?

    Yeah. There’s not much to say about this other than that it’s a strange sketch from my sketchbook today. This is what comes from not leaving the house for weeks on end. Thanks a lot Coronavirus.  

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