2011 Monster Month: Day 13 – Ice Cream

For some odd reason, I am forever fascinated with the idea that no matter how creepy and menacing a monster can be to us humans, these same monsters may also happen to really enjoy their ice cream. So much so, that there has been an ice cream eating monster in every Monster Month to date! They can have their homo sapien entrèe, then top it off with a cool, sweet dairy delight to eliminate that icky aftertaste.

Today’s art goes beyond just one drawing of a monster enjoying his frozen treat. I offer you a glimpse into a whole page of my sketchbook. You can see the beast of the hour there, but there is also a half conceived image of a creepy caterpillar creature, and what looks like a goofy dragon head.


Creepy Caterpillar
With all those flavors available out there, why does a big hairy monster always choose vanilla? At least she added some jimmies to it.


Return tomorrow to see a monster-themed corporate logo created this past year!

2011 Monster Month: Day 12 – Zhurassic Saber-Tooth Tigers

In the recently released Zhu Zhu Pets DVD, The Quest for Zhu, there are all manner of beasties ready to threaten the four hamster heroes Mr. Squiggles, Pipsqueak, Num Nums and Chunk. One such danger is a pack of saber-tooth tigers called Zhurassic Zhus.

Today I thought I’d share with you two versions of these growly striped kitties. Like a nature photographer, though remaining at my much safer desk, I was tasked with capturing the behavior of these creatures for inspiration to those that followed me in the creative pipeline. In our story, these fellas reside in the snowy mountain cliffs. Putting myself in the position of the hamsters, I imagined that the most frightening introduction I could have to this life-ending threat would be to perch them above on a cliff looking hungrily down while being framed by the blinding sun.  So, I penciled out the pose, scanned it in and added some dramatic flare in Photoshop by including shadows.


Zhu Zhu Pets movie
Now THIS is something that could just ruin your whole mountain hike. (Click on image to see it larger.)


Usually when I did these kinds of character development drawings, they would be passed along down the production line just as you see it. This time, however, the director took a shine to the drama in this piece, so he asked my buddy Tom Cain to paint it in color as I moved on to do other drawings. I really loved how Tom handled the whole scene so I thought I’d share with you his terrific version of these snarling, drooling hamster nightmares.


Zhu Zhu Pets movie
Here is Tom Cain’s great Photoshop rendition of my Zhurassic Zhu drawing. (Click on image to see it larger.)


Come back tomorrow to see if you scream, if I scream, if monsters scream for ice cream!

2011 Monster Month: Day 11 – The Runner

Not sure if today’s monster is the chaser or the chasee. If it is chasing something, I would NOT want to be in his way. If it is being chased by something else, just think how much more hideous its enemy must be! No matter what the story is behind this drawing, it was just a doodle that sprung to life in my sketchbook.

I often like to draw things that look like they are in the middle of a story. Hopefully this one makes you wonder where he is from, why is he running, and where he is going. Or maybe its not even a he!!! YOU get to write his or her story in your own imagination.


Love Bug
Maybe he is running in slow-motion on the beach towards a like-minded creature with a head full of braids clacking together with each footstep.


Tomorrow I’ll share with you a creature that is a cross between the Jurassic period and Zhu Zhu Pets.

2011 Monster Month: Day 10 – The Ugly Bug

About a month or so ago I went to see the amazing exhibit of Tim Burton’s personal artwork at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) and came home totally jazzed about drawing and painting weird creatures for MONSTER MONTH.

A common motif in Tim’s work seemed to be stripes and swirls, and for days after soaking up all that creativity, I was bursting to do a piece of my own. So, after a quick sketch in my sketchbook, this little ugly bug character came flowing out. I quickly redrew it quite large (24″x18″), inked it with my brush pen, and then watercolored that sucker with as much energy as I could put into it.

I really loved how it turned out – it feels really spontaneous for me, which is good. So often in my daily job I am being very analytical when drawing characters because they are for the mechanical CG animation world. I shoved all those rules aside and just had fun. I hope you enjoy it, too.


Tim Burton Creature
He may be an ugly bug, but don’t think of a tiny gnat – think Mothra. Then imagine how big that bug zapper would have to be. Oog. (Click on image to see it even larger.)


Since I have been helping to develop a Burton-themed short animated film this past year, it was fun getting my Tim Burton on again. If you’d like to see more of my art inspired by Tim Burton, CLICK HERE. And if you are in the Los Angeles area, be sure to check out the Burton show at LACMA. It will be there until October 31.

2011 Monster Month: Day 9 – Tired T-Rex

Every beast has his day in the sun, but there comes a time when he needs to just chill out and relax. This is tough for a monster who only knows the life of wreaking havoc on the world around him. I mean, at what point does he realize that he’s really not the vicious creature he once was, yet still fancies himself to be? Does it sink in when his scales start to flake off? Or perhaps when he has to be fitted for some polyresin fangs? Or maybe when he finally notices that his prey can not only outrun him, but also has time to turn around and mock him as he huffs and puffs his way towards them?

Yes, retirement for a monster is something none of them wish to contemplate, especially for a carnivore such as this very tired T-rex. Gone are the days of breaking through electric fences and chomping on lawyers in outhouses. No more traipsing through the jungle and having a battle royale with a giant ape. He is so pooped that he can’t even stop baby triceratopses which supposedly aren’t even real. (They do say the mind is the first thing to go.)

So sing sweetly the gentle lullaby of life to this giant soul as he shuffles off this mortal coil into the great tar pit of eternity.


Old Dinosaur
This fella needs to find himself a retirement home, although with those tiny arms, he might have a hard time playing shuffleboard.

2011 Monster Month: Day 8 – The Rookie

Every group has them – that eager beaver newbie who is so anxious for a taste of belonging that they just cannot contain their excitement no matter how austere the cause. Sadly, monsters are not exempt from having a rookie.


The Rookie
It’s not exactly your standard “Bring Your Child To Work Day,” but it’ll do.


Tomorrow’s MONSTER MONTH creature will rear its ugly head from the Jurassic Age!

2011 Monster Month: Day 7 – The Laughing Gator

Deep in the steamy backwood bayous of the kudzu draped American South, the silent stench of the sweaty air is only permeated by the high-pitched whiny buzz of a mosquito in search of its next source of sustenance. Any intrepid guest to these weary waters proceeds with caution for there is no telling what camouflaged evil lurks in the ooze of the rising mists. Suddenly, wafting in and out of the silence is a low toned chortle that seems to emanate from every direction, a bone-chilling sound that grows like a fast spreading cancer into a riotous laughter. Then, you see it – a creature far too terrifying to even imagine – the mythical orange demon of the Everglades!!!

But what is this devilish hellion cackling about? Is he laughing because he knows your trousers are not exactly wet from the swamp? No. He’s seen that before. Is it because he knows you wish to run, but will be overcome by his swift aquatic maneuverings? No.

And then the sad sinking feeling hits you because you know in your heart of hearts, this ferocious beast of unearthly color is laughing at the stupid fishing hat your mother made you wear.


Brightly Colored Alligator
You know you’re in trouble when even nature makes fun of you.


So, dry off and come back tomorrow for another in this fine line of the creepy and crawly!

2011 Monster Month: Day 6 – Zombie Painter

You know, there’s nothing like holding a palette full of paint in one hand and twirling a brush with panache in the other to really make one truly feel alive.


Zombie Artist
All our zombie artist’s paintings resemble Edvard Munch’s “The Scream.” Not because he particularly likes that piece, but because that’s the pose all his models seem to make.


Hope you enjoyed today’s monster fresh from my sketchbook! Tomorrow’s beast will come to you in brilliant technicolor!