Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • 2014 Monster Month: Day 19 – Slumber Party

    During last year’s Monster Month, I introduced you to my neighbors, the monsters who live above me. (If you missed that post, CLICK HERE for some context!) While their noise levels have lessened slightly by a decibel over the past year, they recently unleashed a torrent of audio pollution upon their unsuspecting neighbors that tops…

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  • 2014 Monster Month: Day 18 – The Duel

    Little can be more tragic than two brothers fighting a duel to the death, unless of course those brothers happen to be conjoined twins. Not only is turning and facing each other a slight difficulty, but who really wins when one gets shot? The results are truly monstrous indeed.  

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  • 2014 Monster Month: Day 17 – Marshall Monster

    It is not often that I collaborate with another artist, but this year I came across an up-and-coming creator whose work was so young and vibrant that I knew it was impossible to pass up an opportunity to work some magic together. His keen eye for various color combinations using his preferred tools of the…

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  • 2014 Monster Month: Day 16 – Play Ball!

    Yesterday was the first day of the World Series! In honor of baseball (a sport I LOVED playing when I was in school), here is a monster about to show up “hit king” Pete Rose. Now, of course I realize that the Cincinnati Reds are not in the World Series. However, a good friend of…

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  • 2014 Monster Month – Day 15: The Tenant

    Who is to say that one monster’s face cannot be the comfortable warm home of another monster? This just might be the way to live for the upwardly mobile. Well, mobile to be sure. Living in this manner would prove challenging to accept your packages from Amazon, but it might be a decent tradeoff considering you…

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  • 2014 Monster Month – Day 14: Snotty Snobs

    Matthew 7:5 – Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. (KJV) Welcome to our third full week of monsters! Come back tomorrow for a dental lesson.

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  • 2014 Monster Month: Day 13 – Malffs of the Mist

    Meet the Malffs who rise up majestically from the moist mist while moving their marvelous mugs in magnificent motions timed with their own merry music. Moreover, their mobile members morbidly meander in a most malleable manner to suggest the majority of their bones have no meaningful mass, at least none that can be measured. Contemplating…

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  • 2014 Monster Month: Day 12 – Salty & Sweet

    One of my favorite places to eat is at the Colington Cafè in the Outer Banks (OBX to the initiated) of North Carolina. It is a classy joint at the beach in an old house set back off the road amongst some giant old and twisted trees. It is just a little bit of beach…

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