Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Animal Crackers Movie

    This year has just been flying by. For the past two months, I have been working on storyboards for an independent animated film called Animal Crackers. No, it has no connection to the old Shirley Temple song, it is not a remake of a Marx Bros. movie, nor is it related in any way to the…

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  • Stan Freberg 1926-2015

    A little joy left the world last week. My dear friend Stan Freberg passed away one week ago on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.     Stan made his creative mark on the world first as a cartoon voice actor, then a puppeteer, a radio man, a comedian, a movie actor, a television actor, and an ad man…

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  • The Violet Varmint

    Every now and then you have a dead moment (so to speak) at work waiting for your next assignment. Such a moment was upon me today, so instead of surfing the net or getting a sixth cup of coffee, I decided to start doodling. While keeping things very sketchy and rough, the doodle kept expanding…

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  • Spring Bunny

    Spring is coming. You can feel it in the air! Well, maybe not those of you on the east coast who have been hit with a dollop of snow in recent weeks. Here in Los Angeles, we have been setting heat records for this time of year with it being in the 90s. I tend…

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  • Blue Bear

    Recently I started working on storyboards for a new animated film called Animal Crackers. I had some time between assignments last week, and just to keep busy, I started sketching. This bear came out of hibernation by way of my Cintiq screen. (That’s a monitor you can draw on with a stylus.) While the film…

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  • The Oscars

    Last year a great composer and one of the nicest guys, Ken Thorne, passed away. Ken had worked on many film scores such as The Beatles’ Help!, The Monkees Head, Superman II and Superman III (both starring Christopher Reeve), the Alan Arkin starring Inspector Clouseau, and Tom Selleck’s Lassiter to name a few. I had…

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  • Selfie

    I thought it was time that I posted another selfie. No, not a photo of myself, but rather it was time to try a new version of my toony self by way of a self-caricature. It takes a little longer than holding out a camera and snapping the image, and it is much less blurry…

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  • Stupid Cupid

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Yes, that day has arrived once again where we shamelessly tell someone we think they are neat-o with a card featuring a silly cartoon drawing and a heart-shaped box of chocolates mostly filled with sweet stuff nobody likes until they find the one with caramel. Nothing can relay our heartfelt intentions more…

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