Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • The Noble Fireman

    Any time someone tells me they are a fireman, I don’t believe them unless they look like this. C’mon! THIS is what a fireman is supposed to look like, right?!  

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  • An Open Invitation

    Spent some time doodling in my sketchbook this week. Went back to the well of one of my favorite things to draw – bears! Here’s a bear excited for the accidental meal he thinks he’s about to have. How this ends is probably not in the bear’s favor.  

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  • Ethel Mermaid

    There seems to be a lot of mermaids showing up on the social media sites I frequent. That’s because of the efforts of my pal Tom Bancroft who started the #mermay hashtag a few years ago encouraging artists to post mermaid art each day in the month of May. Now, while The Little Mermaid was…

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  • Painting the Rocketeer: Step 5

    Here we are at the end of the week, which means we have come to the final post in this step-by-step explanation of my Indiana Jones and Rocketeer dynamic duo. Once again, if you are just joining this party, perhaps you should start back at Step 1 to truly understand the anatomy of this painting.…

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  • Painting the Rocketeer: Step 4

    Yesterday I finished explaining the painting stage of this Rocketeer/Indiana Jones mash-up illustration. Today begins the explanation of incorporating colored pencil into the piece. This is when the details begin to come forth. If you are just joining our discussion, perhaps you should start with the first post for context. CLICK HERE to start at…

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  • Painting the Rocketeer: Step 3

    So, here we are for the continued explanation of the step-by-step creation of my recent Rocketeer painting. If you need to start back at Step 1, CLICK HERE! Let’s get right to it, shall we? Step 3 Now that the background has been completed, it is time to remove the liquid frisket from the central…

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  • Painting the Rocketeer: Step 2

    Today you will read about the beginning of the painting process of my latest illustration – an 18×24 inch piece featuring Dave Stevens’ Rocketeer created for a group art show in Los Angeles. If you are just joining us with this post, perhaps you would like to start at the beginning with Step 1 by CLICKING…

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  • Painting the Rocketeer: Step 1

    INTRODUCTION I recently completed a new painting for an art show currently on display at the Creature Features gallery in Burbank, California. The group show is themed around the late Dave Stevens’ wonderful comic book creation The Rocketeer that many people also remember as a fun adventure movie of the same name produced by Disney…

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