Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Faceless Faces

    I miss the days of passing time in airports being able to draw all the interesting faces I would see from around the world. One can only wonder what everyone is hiding from view today.     Thanks. Thanks a LOT Rona.

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  • Drawn & Quoted: Bird Is the Word

    “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank (1929 – 1945)  

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  • Making of a Monster – Part 7

    Okay, the traditional art is now all completed with paint and pencil on paper. But that doesn’t mean the poster is quite finished yet. We still have some digital tools to use to see this frightfest to completion. What good is a monster movie poster without the words on it to say what we’re selling?…

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  • Making of a Monster – Part 6

    So we’ve covered the conception, drawing, and painting of this monster movie poster for this year’s Illustration West 59 advertisement for the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles. All that’s left in the creation of the traditional art is the colored pencil stage. I really love the colored pencil part of any illustration I do. Firstly, it…

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  • Making of a Monster – Part 5

    Alright, it’s about to get real. Now comes the step where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel in this step-by-step tutorial of  the creation of this year’s Illustration West 59 poster for the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles. Let’s remove the liquid frisket from the face of the painting! Since…

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  • Making of a Monster – Part 4

    Hoo boy! There has been quite a bit stated in the first three parts of this step-by-step tutorial. Ready to read some more about the creation of this year’s Illustration West 59 poster for the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles? Let’s do this! So, now that a large part of the base background has…

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  • Making of a Monster – Part 3

    Welcome to Part 3 of the steps in creating my monster movie painting for the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles’ Illustration West 59 poster. So, yesterday we left things with liquid frisket. Today we begin painting the background! There will be several techniques used in getting the background just the way I want it.…

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  • Making of a Monster – Part 2

    Welcome back to the second post of my step-by-step in creating the Illustration West 59 call for entries poster for the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles. Yesterday we ended with the creation of the color comp in Photoshop. Today we dive into beginning the traditional art on paper. To start with, the line drawing…

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