Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 16 – The Orthodontist

    You know, whether scaring or eating little children, most monsters use their teeth quite often. And whether it’s a crooked snarl, or just a bad overbite, the sensible monster realizes he really needs to take care of his pearly whites. After all, one must think of the children in such situations – this is all…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 15 – The Pirate Beast

    Aaaarrrr maties! What if the scourge of man were to be combined with the scourge of the beastie world? No, – I’m not speaking of lawyers, though you are close. I speak of THE PIRATE BEAST! One might be hesitant to cross paths with such a creature. He can be mean, ornery and just a…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 14 – The Hopeless Romantic

    Underneath that tough shell lies the heart of the HOPELESS ROMANTIC. Hey, you’re nobody ’til somebody loves you, right? EVERYBODY loves somebody sometime. And hey, when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie – well, you know. (Apparently love is just a string of Dean Martin songs.)

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 13 – The Noble Steed

    Every brave creature that ever rode into battle in tales of the fantastic did so on the back of an even more brave creature known as the NOBLE STEED. This beast of burden knows his duty is to selflessly carry his master into the storm of ferocity in order to achieve the goal for the…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 12 – Frankenstein’s Monster

    What MONSTER MONTH could be complete without at least one inclusion of Dr. Frankenstein’s monster? Despite having deeply explored this character in my “Frankenlisa” painting from several months ago (CLICK HERE if you missed it!), once in awhile he keeps rearing his strange flat head amongst my sketches. Here’s a doodle of him created in…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 11 – The Happy Dragon

    Today’s monster-of-the-day isn’t really too monstrous. He’s actually a bit more happy-go-lucky. Of course, if he were a real dragon approaching me, I’d probably run in terror despite all he probably would really want is a hug. Hope you enjoy this little fella as much as I did drawing him! More MONSTERS yet to come! Come…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 10 – Sea Monster

    Sometimes you just have to let out your inner sea monster.

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 9 – The Vegetarian

    Here’s today’s Monster-O-the-Day! Actually, you get two for the price of one today! This image started as a sketch in my sketchbook, then moved into a quick drawing with some watercolor splashed onto it. Enjoy!

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