Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 24 – Dandelion Dragon

    No matter how big or small, or how young or old, who can resist the alluring siren call of the fuzzy dandelion? Not this dragon. Fuzzy dandelions MUST be blown to spread their seeds of joy so that others may one day have that opportunity to exercise their childlike wonder and whimsy. And also so…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 23 – Law & Disorder

    Today is the grand unveiling of the winner of the Cartoon Caption Contest that has been taking place over on the Chad Frye • Illustration Guy Fan Page on Facebook over the past two weeks. Many folks submitted their ideas for what this illustration could be saying, I chose 5 of the best, and then…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 22 – Big Mouth

    This little furry guy started as a sketch in one of my sketchbooks a couple of years ago. I decided to resurrect him and flesh him out a bit more into a fun, furry, happy-go-lucky monster! Big Mouth has a certain sweet innocence about him, but with a mouth like that, he can swallow you…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 21 – Cuddly Wuggims

    I know, I know. The name of this little guy sounds a bit sappy, but isn’t he the cutest little thing! That’s his charm. Found in nature, he lures you in with his adorableness by purring and batting his baby blues, and then he goes in for the vicious, bloody kill. Lousy nature.

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 20 – The Business Lunch

    It is not uncommon for colleagues to get together for lunch now and then to discuss business and maintain relationships within the professional field. These get-togethers can be invaluable for future dealings in one’s business, and they build trust. At the end of lunch, there can be little that is more embarrassing than returning to…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 19 – The Caped Wonder

    That’s “Wonder” as in “I wonder what that thing could possibly be?” Well, whatever it is, it sure is red, it looks a little ornery, and it’s wearing a blue cape. All I can say is that you go say “hi” first. And if you have been keeping track of the Monster Cartoon Caption Contest…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 18 – I Scream You Scream…

    …we ALL scream about how this monster got his ice cream! Well, the Good Humor man has had better days than this. Lesson learned – don’t get in the way of a monster and his ice cream! Well, that and it’s probably a good idea to finish college so you can get a desk job.

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 17 – Goat Guy

    Today’s monster comes in the form of a creepy, elderly, wizened goat guy. Anytime you see some squinty eyes and a Fu Manchu dangling from a dude’s chin, pay close attention to whatever comes out of his mouth. Those are sure outward signs that he is full of wisdom. And if he has a cool…

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