Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Chad Frye is Helping the Hodges

    Things have been really busy for me since ending Monster Month here on the blog. I have been working with Tony Bancroft (supervising animator of Pumba, Kronk, and co-dircted Mulan) and Tom Bancroft (supervising animator of Mushu) on helping to put together a charity auction to raise funds for Tim Hodge’s family. On August 22,…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 31 – The Flame Thrower

    Welcome to this, the final day of MONSTER MONTH here on the blog. It has been a fun 31 days of monsters, and I thought I’d cap it off with a doozy for Halloween! If you are at all familiar with the story of Frankenstein, you would know that the monster has a fear of…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 30 – Opposites Attract

    LOVE is a strange and wondrous thing. When one looks for that special person, they have an idea of what it is that they want, but there is always that single undefinable quality that just smacks them like a ton of bricks when two like-minded souls find each other. What these two have must be…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 29 – My Brown Eyed Girl

    Who can resist looking deep into a pair of sultry brown eyes dripping with earnest, heartfelt emotion. Now do it to four pairs, and not so much heartfelt emotion as it is crazed infatuation. At least it’s earnest.

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 28 – Bayou Beast & Son

    If you happen to find your way to a hot, steamy Louisiana bayou one day, keep an eye open for the Bayou Beast. This kind of evil has terrorized the Spanish moss laden woods and swamps of the South for many hundreds of years; an evil carried from father to son for generations among the…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 27 – Count Dracula

    Where are you sneaking off to? MONSTER MONTH isn’t over quite yet! How could it be without some representation of the most famous overbite sufferer of them all – Count Dracula!? I didn’t set out to stray too far from conformity regarding this famous literary and cinematic nocturnal nightmare. Everyone knows who lies before them…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 26 – The Andy Griffin Show

    I love classic TV shows. Probably because I love the innocence in them. Of course, I had to go and mess around with the innocence of Andy Griffith‘s iconic Mayberry show to include it here for Monster Month! Now whistle the theme song in a minor key when viewing today’s post to completely set the…

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  • MONSTER MONTH: Day 25 – Hair of the Chinney Chin Chin Chin Chin…..

    One night as I was watching television, I grabbed my sketchbook with a sudden burst of inspiration to draw this troll with chin after chin after chin. I don’t know why exactly. After all, Jay Leno wasn’t even on yet. Whatever the reason, I liked how this freak of nature turned out. Hope you do,…

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