Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • Positive Thinking

    Of all the characters I’ve drawn from Disney’s Winnie the Pooh world, Eeyore seems to get the most love from folks. It’s strange, but his depression seems to give everyone a lot of joy. Maybe his “Debbie Downer” look on life calls attention to our own doom & gloom attitudes about things, and causes us…

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  • Drawn & Quoted: Three Little Pigs

    “All I ask is for a chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.” – Spike Milligan (1918 – 2002)     An inked sketch from my sketchbook, later colored digitally.

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  • It’s a Bird….

    Happy Superman Day! (Seems to be a real thing supported by DC Comics.)     Ink sketchbook sketch colored in Photoshop.

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  • Wait a Minute Mr. Postman!

    Deliver the letter, the sooner the better! (And may all the dogs you encounter be friendly dogs.) I recently took a page in my sketchbook to play around with a different style of character design away from my natural way of drawing. These were the results!     I actually really love trying different styles.…

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  • Will Smith

    “Yo homes, to Bel-Air!”     I finally got around to watching After Earth the other day, the sci-fi-fi movie M. Night Shyamalan made with Will and Jaden Smith a few years ago. It just hit me that Will has a unique face, and I instantly felt compelled to draw it. So, with my Dark…

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  • Bug & Boy

    What could be more natural than a boy and his robot buddy, righting the wrongs of junior high school together. Wonder if they both get acne?     An ink sketch from my sketchbook, colored up digitally.

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  • Backwoods Boogie

    Sheesh. Everyone is making Tik Toks these days.  

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  • Money Money Money

    Everyone get their taxes sent in by today? I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’d want to get that close to duck tails (wooOOoo). A little ink and watercolor from my brown paper sketchbook.  

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