Illustration Guy Blog

Creative musings about creative stuff by a creative cartoonist.
  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 17 – Hipster Frankies

    Last year my Hipster Frankenstein debuted on the ol’ blog. (CLICK HERE if you need a reminder.) When a drawing like that is born, it comes from reflective study. One does not often just spit out a sketch and there it is. Several sketches are explored to find the perfect look for what the artist…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 16 – Doilies and Dragons

    Dragons are often misunderstood. They rant and roar, and breathe fire all over the place, but this is really because they are lonely. If only more people like Adelade here would take them in and give them some love, the world would truly be a safer place.  

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 15 –

    Everybody deserves a little love, right? How would a zombie really find his match online? No human is going to trust him, of course. They’d go out for dinner and one would come back without any brains. So, zombies really need their own online dating service. Introducing, where monsters can safely find a mate…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 14 – Blue

    How does that saying go again? “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.” Well, today’s monsters have something old that we are borrowing for this year. Do you recognize that monster on the bottom with the little tyke pulling his hair? That was a monster I featured in full color last year (which you…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 13 – Fluffy

    So, did you make a guess as to which of yesterday’s sketches would be turned into a painting today? If you guessed the little girl and the big horned beast at the top of the page, you would have been correct. It just seemed like a fun idea to take that little girl and make…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 12 – Monstrous Inspiration

    Here is another full page from my sketchbook of some random drawings that have nothing to do with each other, or do they? Hmmm. They were originally drawn without any real plan, but sometimes random doodles such as these can inspire a whole other image when put together. This is often the point of drawing…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 11 – Frankentori

    Okay, today’s monster has a little bit of a personal angle to it. My sister Tori married a man by the name of Frank a while back. When my family refers to them, it usually comes out as “Frank and Tori.” However, we have become so used to saying it, that it ends up sounding…

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  • 2017 Monster Month: Day 10 – The Bird Lady

    Okay, I realize that TECHNICALLY, this lady does not look like a monster. However, the whole scene gives me a bit of the creeps, so it is being included in this creepfest I call Monster Month. This started as a sketch of a gnarled old tree in my sketchbook drawn lightly with a blue pencil.…

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