Wreck-It Ralph

It’s hard to believe, but the first Wreck-It Ralph movie came out six years ago, and now today the sequel Ralph Breaks the Internet comes out. I had a chance to see it two weeks ago at the Walt Disney Studio, and I have to say that it was really a terrific sequel.

So, in honor of the sequel coming out this week, I thought it was high time that I shared some Wreck-It Ralph art that I drew way back before the first movie ever came out. Disney Publishing had another illustrator working on a Ralph book that followed in the footsteps of the old Where’s Waldo? books. Each spread was VERY busy so that kids would have to look for little things in the artwork. Having done such books like that myself at the beginning of my career, I did not envy the amount of work that illustrator had to put into the drawings.

One thing that ended up being tough for the illustrator was nailing the exact likeness of some of the characters. I’ve been there. Twenty four years ago I had been doing Disney books, and having trouble with likenesses, mostly due to a lack of reference material sent to me by the publishers. Seeking such images on the internet wasn’t yet a thing, so Disney would send me corrected drawings by some anonymous artist who had access to perfect reference.

Well, whatever the reason, this other artist was needing some adjustments on the characters, so Disney Publishing hired me to do drawing corrections like I used to receive. I became the anonymous artist.

So, the following are some of the drawings I did for that Seek and Find book:

Steamboat Mickey – 90!!!

Well, the mouse turns a ripe old 90 today. All those years of doing his own stunts, pratfalls, and ghost hunting have taken their toll on the germaphobe (he ALWAYS wears gloves, but refuses to wear shirts – weird). All of that actually made him retire about 25 years ago. Most people don’t realize that ever since, there have been a series of stand-ins for Mickey, while he just stays in his trailer signing 8x10s for anyone who will take one while wondering where his yellow dog has gone to. (Dog years were NOT kind to Pluto. The original Pluto died back in 1951.)

By the way, today also happens to be the big 9-0 for his gal pal Minnie, and his nemesis, Pete. Both co-starred with Mickey in that first cartoon to hit theaters.


Hey! The ol’ hat still fits!


So, happy birthday you ol’ long-in-the-ear one! Hope you enjoy gumming your cake today as you celebrate your birth in Steamboat Willie. It was an honor to be a small part of your legacy when I worked on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for a few years.

2018 Monster Month: Deer Infestation

Happy Halloween!

Here is the final offering in this year’s limited Monster Month posts…

Sometimes life can be tough for an ogre who has decided to buck (pun intended) the traditions of his kind to be a vegetarian. Living creatures no longer fear him, and thusly he is inundated with an infestation of deer. All that venison can be a sweat-inducing temptation, but he’s determined to stick with his principles, even if he constantly is stepping on deer droppings.


Just his luck, he’ll get Lyme disease from a deer tick.


Thanks for following along with this October’s collection of silly monster sketches, drawings, and illustrations. We now return you to our regularly scheduled art.

2018 Monster Month: Scare School

I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.


Finally! A class where you can’t wait to do homework!

2018 Monster Month: Swine Soldier

While one might not consider a pig to be a traditional monster, this one qualifies due to his indiscriminate use of that axe, and the fact that he smells pretty foul.


You’d be blue like that in the winter, too, if you weren’t wearing any pants.


Inked traditionally in my sketchbook, and painted digitally in Photoshop.

2018 Monster Month: Bump In the Night

The distant foreboding peel of the distant clock tower was morosely muffled by the early morning fog seeping between the dark alley ways and lonely streets of ye olde London masking the nocturnal movements of those that go bump in the night. Do you know where YOUR children are?


As he scraped by with his limp waddle, I froze in fear not wanting to know the answer of where the teddy bear came from, nor how did he come to acquire it.

2018 Monster Month: Top Chef

Trolls aren’t so bad. Sure, they may eat you, but they like tasty cuisine just as much as the next foodie out there.

Trolls will prepare their meals with the best seasonings they can grow under billy goat gruff bridges where they hang out, and are sure to cook at just the right temperature for just the right amount of time for maximum tenderness.

Who can blame them, really? No one likes to have to throw out a dish and start all over again. It’s so wasteful of food.


He is, quite literally, trolling her.

2018 Monster Month: Pig Nosed People Eater

Just doodling around the other day, and this creature spilled forth. Things took an ugly turn when I decided what to have him chomping on.

Truly monstrous.


It is important to not just eat meat, but also your vegetables.