At the stroke of midnight last night, 2019 ended, and 2020 has begun. In an effort to achieve 2020 vision (pun intended), one should reflect upon the past year.
Over on Instagram, they do a thing called “Top Nine” where they show the top nine posts of the year. It was interesting to me that five of the top nine of 2019 were things I posted just in the past two months. Seems that folks can’t get enough Green Eggs & Ham, and they seemed to like lots of my doodles of other people’s characters. Thankfully, they showed some love to one of my originals (dog doodles), as well as a photo of me taken by my pal Brian Joseph Ochab to promote my upcoming appearance at the first ever Bakersfield Mouse Con (a Disney fan convention happening on January 26).

Here’s hoping more fun and exciting projects come across my plate in 2020!
And if you’d like to see my Instagram page, here’s the link:
Happy New Year everybody!