Dragon Boy

Dragons can sure be intimidating, but some lads are either too brave or too stupid to be bothered with intimidations.


It’s not polite to stick your tongue out at someone.

Julius Poohbar

Beware the Ides of March.


“Et tu Tigre?”

Steven Spielberg

Had some doodle time recently, and this caricature came forth. Needs a good John Williams score to accompany it, don’t you think?


I’d like to think his movie about me will be better than my caricature of him.


I have been in the room with Mr. Spielberg twice over the years, but have never met the man. First time was on a soundstage for the filming of a pilot sit-com he was producing called Battery Park, and the second was when he came and spoke before a screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I’d love to work for him at some point – in particular, it would be fun to be a part of the reboot of Animaniacs.

Bus Stop Bear

Hope he has success in getting the bus to stop. That morning commute can be a bear.


Spear & Magic Helmet

As the morning mists began to lift across the dew-laden grass, a small glint of sun was visible on the peak of the helmet on the steely eyed warrior bunny prepared to do battle for dominance of the strawberry patch. It was going to be a sweet day of victory.


Wherever carrots need liberating, he’ll be there.




Presidents’ Day

Here in the States, today is our annual Presidents’ Day holiday. We celebrate by taking the day off from work, and buying mattresses on sale.

I created this illustration of Abraham Lincoln for the February issue of Clubhouse Magazine published by Focus on the Family. As with the giraffe illustration posted last week, this was done for a joke page where the jokes were sent in by the kids.

A teacher asks, “Do you know Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?”

The student answers, “I thought he lived in the White House.”

Laughter ensues.


Honestly, Abe is lost.


The squirrel says, “You make a left turn at Albuquerque.”

Romeo & Juliet (part deux)

Yesterday I shared with you a Valentine’s Day card I made this year. Perhaps you might like to see parts of the art up close and personal, kind of like that kiss was about to be?


Hope they each had a breath mint first.


For those curious, the art was created in mixed media fashion. Which media was mixed? It is primarily a traditional watercolor painting, some gouache was used, colored pencils, and then there are some touches in Photoshop.


Cloth close-up. Cloth and possible toe fungus.


I did try my best to really get some interesting lighting into the art. So often it feels as though the lighting in my work is more even, without much drama. This image just needed to have aspects of moonlight coming from one direction, and candle/lantern light coming from within the palace. Hopefully the cool light and the warm light is believable and interesting.


Vines are the garnish on this gourmet dish.


Well, there you go. A few close-up shots of how this illustration looked to me while I was working on it. Often a lot goes into a piece like this, but whether a lot or a little bit of work, hopefully the art is always entertaining to YOU!

Romeo & Juliet

Happy Valentine’s Day everybody!

I made my own Valentine’s card this year featuring Romeo & Juliet, but with a twist in this classic tale of love….


True love’s kiss?


Lest you miss the joke, it’s important to know that this piece is firmly rooted in William Shakespeare’s tale of Romeo & Juliet – teenagers so deeply in love with one another that they gave up their lives for each other. But, what if Juliet was two-timing on Romeo, and really didn’t love him at all? She’d probably marry the next sap right after breaking Romeo’s heart.

Well, it’s funnier if the joke doesn’t have to be explained.