2021 Monster Month: Birds of a Feather…

…flock together!

Hey, if you find a group to hang out with that you get along with, hang out with them!


Sing with me now – “One of these things is not like the other…..”


Traditional ink drawing in a sketchbook, colored in Photoshop.

Batman Day 2021

Hey, hey, hey Superman – it’s not always about you! Today just happens to be Batman Day, so be a pal and step aside.


Perhaps Batman has a little neck envy.

Space Jammin’

So, did any of you check out Space Jam: A New Legacy over the weekend? Seems like a lot of folks saw it at the theater, but I understand it was also available through Warner Bros.’ streaming app, so no doubt tons of folks saw it. While I did not get to join many former colleagues as part of the crew of the movie, I did get to work on some official marketing art for Space Jam!

I was hired to draw a number of international celebrities in a Looney Tunes style the way LeBron James was in the movie, making them a part of the Tune Squad team. Those celebs could then share the images on their social media accounts. Unless you follow the specific person, you may not have seen the efforts, so I thought I’d share a few of the ones I found on Twitter and Instagram. 


Caricature of Criss Martell. Click on image to enlarge.
Caricature of Guillermo Schutz. Click on image to enlarge.
Caricature of Levan Gorozia. Click on image to enlarge.
Caricature of Marcelo Forlani. Click on image to enlarge.


Over all, I drew 8 or 9 people for this campaign, and a colleague of mine did another batch that are all floating around out there on the web. I only found these four of my pieces, so those are the only ones I can pass along to you for now!

And just to be clear, I ONLY drew the caricature of the celebrities. The rest of the art was put together by other folks, most likely from a library of approved poses.

Glad to have been a part of Space Jam in my own small way! Hooray for projects with hand-drawn animation!

I Love A Parade

His was the gift of music and an uninhibited personality.


I’d say he marches to the beat of just one drum, but he’s only got a horn. But WHAT a horn!


If you live here in the States, I hope you are able to get out there to celebrate Independence Day today by going to a parade! Even if that means it’s a one-man horn player marching down the street to his own tune.

And yes, I mean today. When the 4th falls on a Sunday, the holiday is generally recognized in most areas on the Monday after.

I really liked how this one turned out. It’s a traditionally inked drawing from my sketchbook that was colored in Photoshop. Below are a few close-ups so you can enjoy some of the texture of the piece!


Drawn & Quoted: Three Little Pigs

“All I ask is for a chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.”

Spike Milligan (1918 – 2002)


These little piggies went to market….the stock market. Investing in pork bellies can be pretty good business apparently.


An inked sketch from my sketchbook, later colored digitally.

It’s a Bird….

Happy Superman Day!

(Seems to be a real thing supported by DC Comics.)


I suppose I’d be a little cocky, too, if I had my own day.


Ink sketchbook sketch colored in Photoshop.

Bug & Boy

What could be more natural than a boy and his robot buddy, righting the wrongs of junior high school together. Wonder if they both get acne?


Robots are cool, but only when they are on your side.


An ink sketch from my sketchbook, colored up digitally.

Slaw Dog Millionaire

A few years back, I was having lunch in the San Fernando Valley at a place called Slaw Dogs with my buddy Tom Cain. While eating, a woman walked past us on the sidewalk LOADED with perfume, and her own sense of bedazzled/leopard print style. When I got back to my desk, I quickly roughed out an impression of her from memory. I recently revisited that sketch and worked up this drawing.

Bless you Los Angeles, for all your quirkiness. I call it “Slaw Dog Millionaire.”


She’s all that and more.