The Orange Fuzz

I’m really starting to enjoy doodling on Canson paper. If you regularly follow my blog, you have occasionally seen drawings on this kind of paper during the Monster Month posts. I recently went out and bought a bunch more Canson paper with various shades of gray, brown and color. It’s fun because you can start with the mid tone, then put in your darks and lights. So, you may start seeing more and more drawings here on the blog that employ these kinds of techniques.

Today I thought I’d share with you a little friendly February monster drawn with ink, orange colored pencil, and white paint. Enjoy!


Fuzzy Monster Art
Don’t invite this guy over. He’ll leave orange hair all over your carpets.

2011 Monster Month: Day 21 – Silent But Deadly

There’s nothing quite like an ocean breeze, don’t you think?


Silent But Deadly
Can you call it “breaking wind” while it is still under water, or technically only when the bubbles reach the surface?


And with that little joke, ladies and gentlemen, we have truly reached THE END of this year’s MONSTER MONTH selections. Thank you so much for coming each day to see what has kept me amused at my drawing desk!

By the way, if you haven’t noticed, on the homepage of my blog there is a list of categories, one of which is MONSTERS! Feel free to come back anytime and click on that to have quick access to all the monsters on my blog, including the MONSTER MONTH drawings from years past!

Come back to visit regularly! I tend to post something new, monster or non-monster, at least once a week!


2011 Monster Month: Day 20 – Lumbering Beast

Every now and then I pick up my sketchbook without an inkling of what is about to come out of my hand. Often this approach is helpful to get some bad drawings out to make way for the good ones. A few weeks ago I was having one such sketch session, and the page was just full of lousy drawings. There was only a small space still untouched at the bottom of the page when the head of this creature just appeared!

Even though it was just a head sketch, almost immediately I could clearly imagine this creature’s whole body, and just had to get it onto paper! I grabbed a large 24″x18″ piece of textured paper and went to town! So, kids, start a sketchbook and doodle bad drawings every chance you get so you can recognize the good ones when they come!


Fuzzy Creature
This gentle soul seems to have a melancholy demeanor, likely weary from the weight of life’s responsibilities accumulated over several centuries of living. (Click on image to see it larger.)


Come back on Monday – HALLOWEEN – to see the grand finale for 2011’s MONSTER MONTH!!!

2011 Monster Month: Day 19 – Extreme Makeover: Zombie Edition

As this year’s selection of MONSTER MONTH delectations winds its way to the end, I have one more zombie drawing for you direct from my sketchbook. It shows that even when headed out on the town to hunt for human brains on which to feast, a girl has to look her best. I just hope she doesn’t overdo it on the perfume. I hate that.


The Walking Dead
“I feel pretty, oh so pretty…..”


What happens when you cross a donkey with an elephant and a kangaroo? Perhaps an answer with be forthcoming on the blog tomorrow.

2011 Monster Month: Day 18 – The Orange Puff

It’s bad enough when your left hand doesn’t know what your right hand is doing, but can you imagine if all your body parts had minds of their own?


Orange Puff Monster
Now THAT’s a face only a mother could love. Although, I’m a little frightened to see what SHE looks like!


Only a few more days left in this year’s MONSTER MONTH! Come see what tomorrow may bring!

2011 Monster Month: Day 17 – Zhusquashya

When you work in the world of animation, you have to be prepared to draw some pretty interesting stuff when the script calls for it. In the Zhu Zhu Pets DVD movie, The Quest for Zhu, we had to come up with a hamster based abominable snowman. Stephen Silver did some initial designs, and I proceeded to refine the character.

The following are some of my pencil drawings of the winter sasquatch creature we called Zhusquashya.


Zhu Zhu Pets movie
Our version of a winter Bigfoot was based on the general hamster design of all the Zhu Zhu Pets movie characters.


Zhu Zhu Pets movie
Early on I did this drawing of Zhusquashya getting shocked, and later I worked on some storyboards in which I got to show the beast interacting with electricity.


Zhu Zhu Pets movie
You can see that this creature was quite large in our story. Sure hope he was housebroken!


The mayhem continues tomorrow with another MONSTER MONTH creation!

2011 Monster Month: Day 16 – Plan B

Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to be going right? You wake up to a jack hammer outside your home, spill coffee on your freshly pressed cape during breakfast, head on out to work and you step in a deep puddle, and then horror of horrors, the little girl you are trying to scare actually fights back. That’s when you have to swallow your pride and implement “Plan B” by stealing her little pink tricycle and just peddling out of there as fast as you can.

Get some rest. Tomorrow is another day.


Plan B
When nothing goes right, you just gotta flee from danger even if it means the tricycle you stole sports handlebar streamers. (Click on image to see those streamers larger.)


I hear that tomorrow’s monster promises to be truly abominable. We’ll see.

2011 Monster Month: Day 15 – Entrepreneurs

It’s one thing for a kid to set up a lemonade stand in her front yard to make a little money, and it’s another thing entirely when she gets some big competition that can swallow her whole. Capitalism at work. It’s a common American tale kind of like what happened to my uncle’s camera shop years ago when a Walmart moved into his little town.


Monster art
Yes, the monster’s tongue seems to do all the talking here. Haven’t you seen a tongue wearing a sun-visor before? (Click on image to see it larger.)


By the way, today’s beast is really more of a sketch than anything. Because I drew the whole thing from scratch on a Cintiq tablet on the computer, I was able to quickly dab in some color here and there for your amusement.

NEXT WEEK will be my final full week of monster art for this year! Don’t miss a thing as we approach the grand finale on Halloween!