“All I ask is for a chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.”
(1918 – 2002)

An inked sketch from my sketchbook, later colored digitally.
(1918 – 2002)
An inked sketch from my sketchbook, later colored digitally.
(circa 1040 BC – 970 BC), from Psalm 14:1
Happy April Fools Day. No one better to ring in the day than Mr. T.
(circa 5 AD – 64/67 AD)
Inked in my sketchbook, with color created in Photoshop.
* from I Corinthians 13:4-7 in the Bible
(1929 – 1945)
– Groucho Marx (1890 – 1977)
– Pinky and The Brain (1993 – 1998)
It’s hard to take over the world when your evil lab is overrun with evil cats.
– Joel Osteen (1963 – present)
– Yann Martel (1963 – present)