Beetle Bailey

Today is my pop’s birthday, the man who most influenced me to be a cartoonist even though he may never have realized it.

When I was a kid, my father loved comics. He’d come home from his job in the business world, and we’d get down on the floor and he would read the newspaper funnies to me every day before I knew how to read. He loved comic strips like Nancy, Peanuts, and Beetle Bailey.


My pop reading the funnies to my little brother and me back in the 1970s.


What my dad liked, I liked. Back in January of this year, I came across this great piece I created in my youth. I love how this image of Sarge, a character created for newspaper comics, is surrounded by a background of newsprint. I also love how it looks like it wasn’t finished, yet it looks kind of cool in this unfinished state.


I believe I was nine years old when I made this.


Due to becoming a cartoonist myself as an adult, I ended up becoming friends with Mort Walker, the creator of Beetle Bailey, and was able to introduce my pop to the legendary cartoonist. Dad enjoyed meeting my cartooning heroes. Maybe, in a way, they were Dad’s heroes, too.

Dad passed away last September, but his influence lives on. I’m still a cartoonist.

Dino Distancing

Yeah, dinosaurs like to snack on tender morsels of man meat, but this caveman isn’t having any of it. In this age of Coronavirus, the dino needs to stand at least six feet away, which may or may not cramp his lunch leanings.

Not to mention, that drooling is DEFINITELY NOT sanitary.


Hey hey hey! Stand over there!

Easter 2020

Christ the Lord is risen today!


Just last night, I got to thinking about how Norman Rockwell depicted Easter morning back in 1959, and then kind of wondered what Easter morning 2020 was going to be like during the coronavirus scare with most churches around the U.S. live-streaming their services through the computer to their congregations’ homes. Church together in jammies! Thus the explanation for my sketch down beneath Mr. Rockwell’s.


Heroes & Villains

Even if you’re Batman, it’s probably wise to follow the CDC’s recommendations for social distancing.


Perhaps in this case, the bigger villain is the Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Character Design

Sometimes I work as a character designer in animation, and one of the things a character designer has to develop is an expression sheet.

Normally an expression sheet just shows how a character looks with a smile, or sad, angry, confused, etc. The designer in me got to thinking the other day about what an expression sheet might look like in these strange times we’re living in.

May I present to you the Coronavirus Character Design


Click on the image to enlarge.

We’re Closed!

With the whole world shutting down, does the Wuhan Virus really care all that much? It’s gonna do what it’s gonna do….



With everything shutting down here in the United States, and from what I hear, in other countries, too, the plight of the Griswold family from National Lampoon’s Vacation seemed like a natural fit. That poor Coronavirus has travelled all the way from Wuhan, China to come to America, only to find the country closed. Nothing is going to stop it from having some fun.

Here’s hoping it doesn’t get a BB gun at a sporting goods store and start having too much fun at our expense.

Top Nine 2019

At the stroke of midnight last night, 2019 ended, and 2020 has begun. In an effort to achieve 2020 vision (pun intended), one should reflect upon the past year.

Over on Instagram, they do a thing called “Top Nine” where they show the top nine posts of the year. It was interesting to me that five of the top nine of 2019 were things I posted just in the past two months. Seems that folks can’t get enough Green Eggs & Ham, and they seemed to like lots of my doodles of other people’s characters. Thankfully, they showed some love to one of my originals (dog doodles), as well as a photo of me taken by my pal Brian Joseph Ochab to promote my upcoming appearance at the first ever Bakersfield Mouse Con (a Disney fan convention happening on January 26).


Click on the image to enlarge.


Here’s hoping more fun and exciting projects come across my plate in 2020!

And if you’d like to see my Instagram page, here’s the link:

Happy New Year everybody!


Holiday Ham

As we head into this final weekend before Christmas, just thought I’d share this little colored pencil and watercolor piece I did for the back of my Christmas card this year. It was such a pleasure working on Warner Bros.’ Green Eggs & Ham show earlier this year (currently showing on Netflix), that I wanted to do a little winter piece of Sam I Am and Guy Am I.


Do you want to build a snowham?


I hope you all have a wonderful time over the holidays with family and friends. If you take a road trip with a good buddy, though, leave the Chickeraffe at home.