Sometimes taking your dog for a walk doesn’t always translate into much exercise for the dog.

Ink and watercolor in a brown paper sketchbook.
Sometimes taking your dog for a walk doesn’t always translate into much exercise for the dog.
Ink and watercolor in a brown paper sketchbook.
Anyone out there a fan of Netflix’s Green Eggs & Ham show?
I just found out that season 2 will drop on November 5th of this year! (Thanks for the news,!) It’s hard to believe, but it has already been TWO YEARS since I finished my time working on the season 2 story team. I’m pretty excited to see what the crew has been working on since I left!
In my excitement, I did a new watercolor & colored pencil piece of Sam I Am and Guy Am I.
So, did any of you check out Space Jam: A New Legacy over the weekend? Seems like a lot of folks saw it at the theater, but I understand it was also available through Warner Bros.’ streaming app, so no doubt tons of folks saw it. While I did not get to join many former colleagues as part of the crew of the movie, I did get to work on some official marketing art for Space Jam!
I was hired to draw a number of international celebrities in a Looney Tunes style the way LeBron James was in the movie, making them a part of the Tune Squad team. Those celebs could then share the images on their social media accounts. Unless you follow the specific person, you may not have seen the efforts, so I thought I’d share a few of the ones I found on Twitter and Instagram.
Over all, I drew 8 or 9 people for this campaign, and a colleague of mine did another batch that are all floating around out there on the web. I only found these four of my pieces, so those are the only ones I can pass along to you for now!
And just to be clear, I ONLY drew the caricature of the celebrities. The rest of the art was put together by other folks, most likely from a library of approved poses.
Glad to have been a part of Space Jam in my own small way! Hooray for projects with hand-drawn animation!
With a week that began with the United States’ Independence Day, I thought I’d close this patriotic week with a pun.
Having worked up this fowl sketch in my sketchbook recently, it just sort of reminded me of the way some of our nation’s founding fathers looked with their big bushy hair and formal coats. So, consider this as one of our Founding Feathers. (rimshot)
Am I right? You be the judge….
His was the gift of music and an uninhibited personality.
If you live here in the States, I hope you are able to get out there to celebrate Independence Day today by going to a parade! Even if that means it’s a one-man horn player marching down the street to his own tune.
And yes, I mean today. When the 4th falls on a Sunday, the holiday is generally recognized in most areas on the Monday after.
I really liked how this one turned out. It’s a traditionally inked drawing from my sketchbook that was colored in Photoshop. Below are a few close-ups so you can enjoy some of the texture of the piece!
Spent some time the other day doing some exploratory sketches of facial expressions for Mickey Mouse in my sketchbook, one of my favorite characters to draw.
Back in the mid-aughts, I worked for a few years on a Mickey TV show drawing him and other members of his world such as Minnie, Daisy, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, Chip ‘n’ Dale, Willie the Giant, Pete, Ludwig von Drake, Clarabelle, Horace Horsecollar, and so on and so forth. Having grown up reading Disney comic books, it was such a blast to get to draw those characters every day for a while.
So, while I do sketches like these from time to time for my own pleasure, I look forward to the next legitimate purpose to work on them again one day!
Elephant Umbrella – say THAT five times fast!
Oh, that Chauncey.