
This pencil drawing stares me in the face every day since it is taped up on the wall in my studio. For some reason, I never thought to post it before. It was done years ago when Arnold Schwarzenegger was the Governator of Cal-ee-fornia as part of the development of an illustration of him that I was working on at the time.

If you’d like to see the full illustration, CLICK HERE.


It’s not a tumor!

Happy Ending

Today is my last day at Warner Bros. Animation. For the past year, I’ve been proud to be a part of the story team on Green Eggs & Ham that will be unveiled on Netflix sometime in the fall.

It has been a thrill to work on this show, especially since the book of that same title was my favorite Dr. Seuss book when I was growing up. I remember my mother even making for me green eggs and ham for breakfast one day. Ended up that I didn’t like them, Sam I am. My little brain thought the eggs tasted like spinach.

Netflix hasn’t revealed too much about the show, so I’m not at liberty to do any Green Eggs specific art. Since that is the case, it seemed appropriate to commemorate my dear departure from WB in a more Looney Tunes worthy manner – why not go out in style a la What’s Opera Doc?

To paraphrase Bugs in the original cartoon, “Well, what did you expect in animation? A happy ending?”


Later Alligator Waiter

There’s just something about an alligator that makes me think he can be a dapper waiter, serving up a delectable dish to his deserving customers.

That reminds me, today is Memorial Day here in the States. Anyone planning a BBQ?


Children in Florida should beware.


Uncle $crooge

When I was a kid, my dad let me read his old comics from the ’50s, and what he collected most was Uncle $crooge comics. Scrooge became my favorite Disney character, so I was influenced at an early age by the work of Carl Barks, creator of the ol’ duck.

This love for Disney comics even led to me writing a Donald Duck story that ended up getting published in Europe and here in the States! (The story was called The Kings of Chaos.)

This inked doodle of ol’ Scrooge McDuck came forth in my sketchbook recently. It’s only surprising that the Disney ducks haven’t shown up there way more often!


Tougher than the toughies, smarter than the smarties.

That Darn Cat

When a balloon wins the affection of a child’s heart, beware of the scorned cat.


He knows ev’ry trick, doesn’t miss a lick
When it comes to keepin’ track
Some city slicker, no one is quicker than
That darn cat.

Drawn & Quoted: Bears & the Bees

“Survival starts by paying attention to what is close at hand and immediate. To look out with idle hope is tantamount to dreaming one’s life away.

– Yann Martel (1963 – present)


Bears do love their honey. I love doing drawings in my toned tan paper sketchbook. Win-win.

May the 4th

“Muuaaaaggrrrrrrr!” Which means, “May the 4th be with you.”
I always admired Chewbacca’s articulation.
And yes, today’s doodle is in honor of the passing of Peter Mayhew this week – the man behind the Chewbacca mask. I did meet him several times over the years at various fan conventions where I was surprised that he spoke English, and not just Wookiese.

Rodeo Romance

There are not very many types of relationships stronger than the sacred bond between a cowboy and his horse. I’m just glad that my pencil was able to capture the bliss.

