Drawn & Quoted: Positivity

You’re going to go through tough times – that’s life. But I say, ‘Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.’ See the positive in negative events.

– Joel Osteen (1963 – present)


How’s that positivity workin’ FOR you, little doggie?

Don’t Feed the Bears

In this case, perhaps obeying the signs is the best plan for self-preservation.


The bear probably needs a breath mint.


I had some doodle time last month and started out drawing this bear with his mouth wide open without a real plan as to what the scene would really be. It began as an exploration of big curvy shapes with the bear, but then his ravenous appetite needed to be justified. So, thinking back to a bear/rabbit piece I did last year (which you can see by CLICKING HERE), why not revisit that idea in a different way this time, too? So, voila. There you go. A big hulking hungry bear, a poor defenseless rabbit, and a sign to bring it all together in one humorous moment.


So, I hear beards are in these days – IN my sketchbook that is! ZING!


The nice thing about drawings of beards? Low maintenance grooming.

Go Fish

My doctor retired last month. After all the years of his great care, thought I’d do a little drawing for him to mark the occasion (name redacted for privacy sake). He deserves the time away, but man, I’m not looking forward to having to seek out a replacement for him. He was one of the good ones.


Looks like the fish are biting today.

Shark Week

I hear that this week is Shark Week. We’re gonna need a bigger blog.


“I’m not talkin’ about pleasure boatin’ or daily sailin’, I’m talkin’ about workin’ for a livin’, I’m talking about sharkin’!” -Quint

Turtle Power

Lately my sketchbook has been slowly getting some pages filled. I carry it around, and intend to doodle in it more, but sometimes random, spur-of-the-moment drawings just don’t spring forth as often as one might like. This one moved particularly slowly, but maybe because he’s a turtle.

At least he’s a little dapper.


The power is all in the dapper menswear.

Heat Wave

Hoo boy! I hear it is super hot all over the United States this week! How are YOU beating the heat?

How about those of you who live around the world? Are you experiencing a heat wave? Here in Los Angeles, we have had a pretty mild summer so far. I’ve LOVED it! In past years, we have had many days in the 100s (Fahrenheit) by this time, but not so this year.

So, stay cool, hydrate, and eat lots of ice cream!


The Rocketeer

Last year I helped out on an episode or two of Disney’s upcoming The Rocketeer show. If you follow my blog, you know I’m a fan of the original Rocketeer character (which you can see in a previous post if you CLICK HERE), so it was a real treat to be invited to work on this continued legacy.

Last week at San Diego’s Comic Con, Disney unveiled a trailer for the new show being made for kids, and it’s animated. Check it out!