2010 Monster Month: Day 1 – The Dog Walker

As the swift cool breezes of fall waft through the amber leaves of the neighborhood trees, it delivers the delights and mischief of creatures strange and mysterious who venture out to taunt all good citizens like yourself. (Well, here in Los Angeles the temperatures hit 113°, so the leaves are amber from having been burned.)

Welcome to the return of MONSTER MONTH here on the Chad Frye • Illustration Guy blog! I have been busy like a mad scientist hunched over in his laboratory slinging pencils, ink, paint and pixels to terrorize and amuse you each day during this fine fall month of October. You will get to see a variety of approaches to the beasties as some are watercolor paintings, others fully rendered ink and Photoshop cartoons and illustrations, some pencil drawings, and others are simply doodles and sketches from my sketchbook.

To kick off the month, here is a piece I created with ink and Photoshop using myself as a model for the Wolfman that reminds you that while some things may go bump in the night, there may be other reasons why you would have to watch your step….

The Wolfman

Things That Go “BUMP” in October…

Last October was the first ever MONSTER MONTH on the Chad Frye • Illustration Guy blog. On each one of October’s 31 days, a new monster doodle, drawing or painting was unleashed on an unsuspecting public. (Click HERE if you’d like to revisit last year’s creatures!) So much great feedback came from everyone, and it was so much fun to do, that I am happy to announce the return of MONSTER MONTH!

Beginning this FRIDAY, October 1st, come visit the blog to see a new monster each day until the last day of MONSTER MONTH, October 31 (those of you who are astute will realize that happens to be Halloween). And feel free to leave some feedback on the posts if you like them!


An apple a day….

Yeah, well, apparently that “apple a day” thing only works on doctors. Not monsters.

Monsters really only like apples for the worms. They like that crunch on the outside with the gooey center inside.
Monsters really only like apples for the worms. They like that crunch on the outside with the gooey center inside.

Drawn & Quoted: Prey Before a Meal

“It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.”

– J.R.R. Tolkien (1892 – 1973)


As I continue to add creations to my sketchbook, various beasts and creatures continue to come forth. This dragon oozed out of my pencil unexpectedly with that mean, hungry and determined expression. Decided the sweet little bird would be the focus of his attention. It’s never any fun being the prey.  All you can hope for is to choke the aggressor.

MONSTER MONTH: Day 31 – The Flame Thrower

Welcome to this, the final day of MONSTER MONTH here on the blog. It has been a fun 31 days of monsters, and I thought I’d cap it off with a doozy for Halloween!

If you are at all familiar with the story of Frankenstein, you would know that the monster has a fear of fire. But what truly caused that fear? I mean, at some point, he must have been okay with it, right? Something had to set him off. Oh, there may be some paltry explanation in the pages of Mary Shelley’s tome, but I believe that the true moment when the monster’s fear was born came in the laboratory one fateful day.

I suppose that along with fire, one might fear Dr. Frankenstein after this incident.
I suppose that along with fire, one might fear Dr. Frankenstein after this incident. Igor only approaches him from the front these days.

Thank you for joining me this month. I had a blast drawing MONSTERS of all shapes and sizes. If you enjoyed it as much as I did, feel free to leave a comment here on the blog!

MONSTER MONTH: Day 30 – Opposites Attract

LOVE is a strange and wondrous thing. When one looks for that special person, they have an idea of what it is that they want, but there is always that single undefinable quality that just smacks them like a ton of bricks when two like-minded souls find each other. What these two have must be very special, and certainly something that only they can understand.

Xanquerd and Zorp, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G....
Xanquerd and Zorp, sittin’ in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G….

Come back again tomorrow on HALLOWEEN to see the grand finalè post in 2009’s MONSTER MONTH!

MONSTER MONTH: Day 29 – My Brown Eyed Girl

Who can resist looking deep into a pair of sultry brown eyes dripping with earnest, heartfelt emotion. Now do it to four pairs, and not so much heartfelt emotion as it is crazed infatuation. At least it’s earnest.

With two tongues, I wonder if she can converse with herself?
With two tongues, I wonder if she can converse with herself?

MONSTER MONTH: Day 28 – Bayou Beast & Son

If you happen to find your way to a hot, steamy Louisiana bayou one day, keep an eye open for the Bayou Beast. This kind of evil has terrorized the Spanish moss laden woods and swamps of the South for many hundreds of years; an evil carried from father to son for generations among the ranks of the beasts. Although, sometimes it does skip a generation.

BEHOLD! The ultimate EVIL Bayou Beast snarling and snorting and stomping his way through the steamy sludge of the Southern outdoors - and Jr!
BEHOLD! The ultimate EVIL Bayou Beast snarling and snorting and stomping his way through the steamy sludge of the Southern outdoors – and Jr!