2014 Monster Month: Day 4 – Cave Bug

We’re gonna need a bigger can of bug spray for this one. Happy Monday.


Cave Bug


2014 Monster Month: Day 3 – Blue Speckled Beast

To be clear, she is blue, and she is speckled, but she does not have blue speckles. And yes, she is a she. The eyelashes give it away.


Angry Monster
If you want to live, don’t make a big deal about her nose freckles (even though I think they are kind of cute).

More Monster Month on Monday!

2014 Monster Month: Day 2 – Fang Fish Face

Ah yes, the ol’ FFF creature. I think this one was inspired by my 5:30am wake-up routine while I was employed earlier this year. I would get up at 5:30 to beat the rush hour traffic on the long commute to the animation studio I was working at all to avoid looking like yesterday’s monster on a daily basis. Guess I traded yesterday’s look for today’s with the lack of sleep I was getting. Here’s hoping my next animation gig is closer to home!

Whatever the inspiration, hopefully you look better than this in your morning mirror!


fish face
A lack of personal hygiene seems to be a recurring theme with monsters. Maybe this guy at least eats breath mints.

One more monster is coming your way tomorrow to finish out this week!

2014 Monster Month: Day 1 – Monstrum Artificem

…otherwise known as “Monster Artist”. (Yes, I invoked the language of Latin in an effort to sound smart. Did it work?)

Welcome to the first of the new images for 2014’s MONSTER MONTH! Following the tradition of past years, our first selection of the month is a self-portrait. I don’t often take this form in my day-to-day life – unless I am driving on California freeways. Then this is the form that my Jekyl & Hyde personality takes on.


Artist Portrait
The thing that makes this most disturbing is that I am not wearing any clothes.

Come back again tomorrow and each weekday in October to see more illustrated creatures from my twisted mind.


Monster Month Returns For Another Fright!

Last October 31st, on a night just like tonight, all sorts of creatures that go bump in the night took their final bow for the year here on the ol’ blog. Where they practiced their mischief over the past year, no one knows, but you can be assured that they will return again tomorrow on October 1 to scare, amuse, and cause emotional unrest for another round of….

Monster Month 2014


Come back each weekday in the month of October (if you dare) to see new original drawings, doodles, sketches, paintings, and illustrations of creepy crawlies and gruesome ghoulies sure to make grown men openly weep and prematurely whiten the hair of women everywhere!


2013 Monster Month: Day 15 – The Monster Manipulator

Welcome to the grand finale of 2013’s Monster Month! This piece was painted as a cover this past August for the National Cartoonist’s Society (NCS) magazine The Cartoon!st that featured an article about yours truly. I was honored to be invited by editor Frank Pauer to be interviewed, and had a great time creating this monster menagerie to accompany the issue. I have been a member of the NCS for eighteen years, and am proud to be a part of that fine professional organization.


Monster Menagerie
The Monster Manipulator with his league of out-of-the-ordinary gentlemen.


This piece was created mostly the old fashioned way – with real watercolor paints and colored pencils! Only the bookcase eye glow and the haze on the glass dome were manipulated digitally. The hard part was in getting the fellas to all hold their poses for me while I painted them from real life.

I hope you have enjoyed this creepy time together over the past month. I truly had a blast creating the creatures. Bookmark my blog to make it easy for you to see more fun art being posted throughout the year!

2013 Monster Month: Day 14 – Frankenink

This year throughout the month of October I have seen many artist friends posting inked drawings on Facebook and calling them “Inktober”. I’m no Sherlock Holmes, but I have deducted that “Inktober” means they are trying to post drawings created with ink. As I looked back on the past thirteen entries for Monster Month, the methods employed have included ball point pen, felt pen, gouache, colored pencil, watercolor, and Photoshop. Nothing seemed to have been inked the old fashioned way of brush or pen & ink! That is about to be remedied…


Frankenstein – the original zombie.


For those of you keeping track, you knew that eventually Frankenstein’s monster had to make it into Monster Month as he has every year. He comes courtesy of a black ink brush pen, highlighted with good ol’ white colored pencil with some black ink and white gouache flicked on via a toothbrush that isn’t much good for cleaning teeth anymore. And just like the real Frankie, this one won’t hold up to fire very well.

Come back tomorrow for this year’s grand finale of MONSTER MONTH!

2013 Monster Month: Day 13 – Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll’s famous alter ego still roams the streets of London at night, but it’s not what you think. He derives great pleasure from sneaking rides on the ferris wheel when it is less crowded.


The Fun Loving Dr. Jekyl
London shouldn’t be too afraid, unless that London fog is really Mr. Hyde’s personal fog.


Whaaa? Can it be? Another new monster is coming tomorrow leading up to the Halloween grand finale!!