2021 Monster Month: Birds of a Feather…

…flock together!

Hey, if you find a group to hang out with that you get along with, hang out with them!


Sing with me now – “One of these things is not like the other…..”


Traditional ink drawing in a sketchbook, colored in Photoshop.


The birds, but no bees. Bees would just get in the way.




Ink and watercolor in a brown paper sketchbook.


Today be the official “Talk Like a Pirate Day.” So, shiver your timbers, yo ho ho, and swab those decks, but just be sure you are doin’ it in a high-pitched squeaky voice like these here pirates be doin’.


Sailing the seven seas can be tough when your foe has nine lives.

The Jug Band

“Swing your partner round and round, kick ’em in the knees and throw ’em to the ground!”

Wait, that can’t be right.


They’d really sound good if they were each playing the same song.


A pencil sketch from my sketchbook. Might be fun to one day develop this a bit more and make a nice traditional watercolor painting out of it.

Bird Hunting

When I was a kid, in the fall my dad would pack us up into our faux wood-sided station wagon and drive us up to New Hampshire where we’d enjoy the fall colors of the region while he traipsed through the woods with friends as they would go bird hunting. We enjoyed lots of tasty meals from those trips that consisted of pheasants, woodcocks, and once even a goose! Good memories.


Don’t worry, that gun won’t shoot anything. It’s made of ink.

Serious Malarky

Some days it’s appropriate to just remain serious.


Survival of the snazziest.

Song Bird

The song from the bird of paradise is not always welcome. But, do you put up with it? Or do you shoot holes in your hat?


Not everyone likes country music.

Oh Pluto Where Art Thou?

It’s always so annoying when your dog plays hide and seek without informing you of the game first.

A recent sketch from my sketchbook.


Olly olly oxen free!