Secretary’s Day

Here in the States it is Secretary’s Day, or as the more politically correct term seems to be, Administrative Professionals Day. From what I have observed on those times I’ve worked at an office on this day, it’s a day when secretaries and assistants either get a free lunch or a Starbucks gift card.

So happy free lunch day all you secretaries and assistants! For many of you in quarantine, that probably just means you get to make yourself a sandwich.


Corporate culture can be a beast.

Dino Distancing

Yeah, dinosaurs like to snack on tender morsels of man meat, but this caveman isn’t having any of it. In this age of Coronavirus, the dino needs to stand at least six feet away, which may or may not cramp his lunch leanings.

Not to mention, that drooling is DEFINITELY NOT sanitary.


Hey hey hey! Stand over there!

Wednesday Wave

Just a little Wednesday wave to you from little ol’ Goofy. No shaking hands (cough cough) – just a wave.

And while you’re at it, wave “see ya’ later” to the tax day deadline. It’s been delayed due to the ill factor!


Every dog has his day. Goofy’s is Wednesday.

Easter 2020

Christ the Lord is risen today!


Just last night, I got to thinking about how Norman Rockwell depicted Easter morning back in 1959, and then kind of wondered what Easter morning 2020 was going to be like during the coronavirus scare with most churches around the U.S. live-streaming their services through the computer to their congregations’ homes. Church together in jammies! Thus the explanation for my sketch down beneath Mr. Rockwell’s.


The Doctor Is In

Hope everyone is staying healthy! And much love and thanks to all those healthcare professionals who have been looking out for everyone, often at the risk of their own good health!


I’m not so sure that’s where his ticker is.

Heroes & Villains

Even if you’re Batman, it’s probably wise to follow the CDC’s recommendations for social distancing.


Perhaps in this case, the bigger villain is the Coronavirus.

Coronavirus Character Design

Sometimes I work as a character designer in animation, and one of the things a character designer has to develop is an expression sheet.

Normally an expression sheet just shows how a character looks with a smile, or sad, angry, confused, etc. The designer in me got to thinking the other day about what an expression sheet might look like in these strange times we’re living in.

May I present to you the Coronavirus Character Design


Click on the image to enlarge.

Dancing Queen

A little ol’ drawing of Minnie Mouse enjoying life! Hope you all are finding the little things around to enjoy life as it is these days, too!


Polka dot dancing – quite possibly to polka music.