2010 Monster Month: Day 9 – The Mouth

You know, yesterday’s monster probably has a pretty good time at her job, until a customer like this fella comes along.

The Mouth
Somebody hasn’t been keeping those bi-annual trips to the dentist. tsk tsk

2010 Monster Month: Day 8 – The Kissing Booth

Better keep an eye on this one. You may get kissed while just walking by whether you want one or not.

The Kissing Booth
The make-up ladies at Macy's must fight over each other to sell this one some merchandise.

2010 Monster Month: Day 7 – Little Creeper

This little fella surfaced as a doodle in my sketchbook last year, and I decided to take him to my desk where I HAND INKED him, then colored him in Photoshop. He just seemed like the kind of little guy that needed to be let out of those pages to breathe. Just don’t let him breathe on you, of course. No telling what kind of cooties he has.

Little Creeper
Maybe the alternate title should be “The Can Opener” with those teeth!

By the way, I only stress the “hand inked” part above because of something that happened to me not too long ago. I was visiting a friend at Dreamworks Animation one day, and had my portfolio with me. A couple of college-aged art school interns working with him were also there, and they asked to look at my art while I continued conversing with my friend. When they finished looking at the goods, they asked something that really startled me – “What program did you use?”

“Program?” I asked, “Well, I colored a few of those things in Photoshop, but everything was drawn by hand on paper or painted with real paint.” The look of astonishment on their faces was priceless, although, I probably was equally astonished that they weren’t being taught the fundamentals of art at their school. All they knew was the computer.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love working on the computer, too. I am often called on to do so for work in the animation industry, having even recently done some storyboarding on a Cintiq tablet monitor (for those of you not familiar, it’s a computer screen you can draw on with an electronic pen). It’s just that I LOVE to draw and paint on paper. Both have their own looks, but when I work traditionally, at the end of the day I have a genuine real piece of art in my hands. That is infinitely more satisfying than just saving a file that disappears from view when you shut off the computer.

Hope you enjoy this little traditional/Photoshopped hybrid. At least part of it can be found on some nice Bristol board in my studio. The colored version disappears for me just as quickly as you clicking on the next web page.

2010 Monster Month: Day 6 – Boogie Monster

I think the title says it all today, don’t you?

The Boogie Monster
Saturday Nightmare Fever

2010 Monster Month: Day 5 – Blue Frankie

Alright, let’s just get it out of the way early, shall we? I can’t help doodling Frankenstein’s monster all the time. At least not since doing that big Frankenstein watercolor painting based on the Mona Lisa awhile back. (CLICK HERE if you would like to revisit it!)

So, here is yet another in the fine line of Frankensteins by yours truly – this time drawn with a ball point pen from the pages of my sketchbook.

Frankenstein's Monster
You’d be blue, too, if your whole wardrobe was in tatters like Frankie’s.

2010 Monster Month: Day 4 – Angry Alien

Why are so many aliens angry looking? What do they really have to be angry about? They drive cool spaceships. They often have cool physical abilities. They get to invade other planets. They have the most advanced X Boxes around. Really, the only aliens that might be given a pass on the angry thing are Klingons, and simply because all their chicks are pretty ugly.

Well, regardless of their feelings of discontent, I drew my own angry alien on a piece of colored Canson paper (appropriately named “Moonstone”) using several shades of brown colored pencils, along with black and white.

Angry Alien
Maybe he’s not really angry, but is cheering for his favorite ball team instead.

2010 Monster Month: Day 3 – The Brat

You know, I often see other people’s children behaving badly in public places. One of my pet peeves is seeing little tykes kicking and screaming publicly while their parents just let them do it. Why do these parents seem so intent on not punishing their little ones while they are actually punishing the rest of us by letting the kid carry on? I may not fully understand the parental thinking on that since I do not have children of my own. However, as memory serves, my own youthful attempts at causing a commotion were often swiftly dealt with. What it all boils down to is if I couldn’t get away with it, why should these crybabies?

So, if I’m pushing my cart around the grocery store, and I see a little one red faced and very vocal while mama pretends to ignore them, I break out my very stern evil eye and stare the kid down. I would say 8 times out of 10 the kid shuts up from the sheer shock of this strange disapproving scary hairy adult. The other 2 out of 10 start crying again, but not from a place of selfish strong will. This time it is usually out of fear.

Having said all that, which creature in this drawing is truly the real monster?

The Brat
Well, there’s one thing to be said about that kid – he’s sure got moxie!

2010 Monster Month: Day 2 – The Falconer

When an evil villain requires someone else to carry out their nefarious plans, they turn towards a creature not as mentally blessed as they to do their evil bidding. Often they turn towards the practice of falconry by luring winged creatures into their schemes. Some falconers use ravens like Maleficent in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty.  Others, like Nazi sympathizer Franz Liebkind from The Producers, depend on disposable carrier pigeons. Even the Wicked Witch of the West had her flying monkeys.

Well, today’s MONSTER MONTH creature from my sketchbook (graphite pencil) uses the ever-dreaded and fearfully malicious SONGBIRD. Yeah, you read that right. Don’t mess with this bad boy…

The Falconer
That little birdie may look cute, but beware –  its song can shatter the souls of men.