2016 Monster Month: Day 3 – Bauble Diva

What lovely lady monster doesn’t enjoy a few baubles now and then? A girl needs to look her best, and she deserves every extravagance life has to offer. What could be better than to wear every shiny and sparkly thing she can get her claws on – all at once?


She deserves the best.
Tiaras aren’t just for princesses anymore.


The story behind this piece is that my aunt was having a birthday when I was visiting the east coast of the U.S. earlier this year, and I wanted to do something nice for her. She does enjoy jewelry, and knows a lot about it having once been in the jewelry retail business. I was feeling the urge to draw a monster, so her birthday card combined my love of drawing creatures with her love of baubles, bangles and beads.

And I know what you are now thinking – NO, this is NOT a portrait of my aunt!!