A couple of weeks ago, I spent six days camping in the untamed nature of Russia. You read that right – in RUSSIA! I am not much one for going on a genuine camping trip. My last camping trip was when I was 14 years old, and it was the trip that convinced me to never go camping again. Well, sometimes you have to break promises you made to yourself.
This isn’t an official post about my camping trip. Maybe I’ll share with you more about that another time. However, this IS a post to share a drawing I did while on that camping trip. I went into the Russian forest with a large church group where we heard many messages preached from God’s Word, we went swimming in a lake, played volleyball, and had craft time every day.
Craft time for me mostly meant doing drawings for everyone else, which was perfectly fine. I drew several Mickey Mouses (or would that be Mickey Mice?), Donald Duck, Winnie the Poohs, a Kronk used on a nail craft project, and even some of my own creations. One that was maybe the most fun to draw, and most unusual to get a request for, was John Silver from Disney’s Treasure Planet.
While I did work on Treasure Planet, I was not one of the animators. I had done some sketches of him back in the day, but was long removed from the project. One friend of mine had internet access out there in the middle of nowhere, so we looked him up for reference, and I worked out this sketch of Silver with his companion Morph. I loved how it turned out, and thought maybe you’d enjoy seeing it, too.
Camping – in the woods – in Russia – with internet access – drawing John Silver – very strange, yet memorable.