While I know that it has been really hot across the United States these past few months, Southern California has had one of the most mild, beautiful summers in all the years I’ve lived here – until this week. This has been a sweltering week in Los Angeles, so of course, as that great leader of jurisprudence known as “Murphy” would have it, my air conditioning ceased to condition my air.
In sitting here waiting for the arrival of the repair men, I was thumbing through my sketchbook and came across this polar bear sketch drawn earlier this year. Even though he came from my own pencil, I couldn’t help but wonder if his smug little expression was coming from the fact that he was enjoying crisp, cool temperatures while I most definitely was not. He just stood there mocking me.

So, now the repair men have come and performed their patriotic duty. My air is working just in time to keep the paint from peeling off the walls, and I’m standing in front of my vent with a satisfied stance not unlike my fuzzy friend above.