Happy Birthday Paul Dooley!!

Last week I had cause to look up my friend Paul Dooley on the internet, and was shocked to discover that he turned 90 on February 22! He has always seemed so much more youthful than that – well, he IS so much more youthful than that! So, I made him this card in celebration!


Paul Dooley – nonagenarian. (And yes, there are at least 90 flames on there – quite possibly 91 for good measure.)


Now, Paul happens to be an actor – one you may know. He played Dennis Christopher’s dad in Breaking Away, he played Molly Ringwald’s dad in Sixteen Candles, he played Julia Roberts’ dad in The Runaway Bride. He’s played a lot of dads.

Paul also has been in a lot of movies directed by the late Robert Altman, namely the part of Wimpy alongside Robin Williams in Popeye. And if you have kids, you know him as the voice of Sarge in Pixar’s Cars movies! (A little known item on my own rèsumè is a music video I worked on with Paul that is on FunnyOrDie.com.)

So, happy 90th to my pal, Paul!